Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.17. An Expofition upon the Book of J "O B. Verf.13. work in you to the end, and let it work to all thofe ends, or purpofes to which it is appointed. PatienceIt'ah her per- fed work. Firll, When it puts forth petted as Secondly, When it prefervesinafting. Patience afcends by three Reps to the perfe&ion of her work. The firtl is a filent (not a Pullen) fubmiflìon or refigna- tion of our felves to the difpofeof God (Pfal. 39. 9.)I mat dumb(faith David)and opened not my mouth, becaufe thou did/f it. Secondly, A kind of thankful acceptation,or kitíing of the Rod which finites us : If their uncircumcifedhearts be hum. bled, faith the Lord,Lev. 26.4!.) and they accept the punifh. ment oftieir iniquity s Thephrafe imports a welcome receiv- ing .ofit,as ofa love-tokenfrom the hand ofa Friend, or that the Rod isnot only juflly, but mercifully and gracioully in- flifted : Thi a great perfection ofpatiencé,.and to this j$b's patience attained the very firft day of his forrows, while he bleffed the Name of the Lordnor only for givinghim fama- ny good things,but alto for taking them away(Chap. r, 2/.) The third tlep is 1piritual jay, and ferious chearfulnefs under forrowful difpenfations : This the Apofile exhorts the brethren to (Verf. 2.)'Comit it all joywhenye-fall intodi- verfe temptations : SAnd prefently add, intimating that the highell perfeâion of patiencecontitls in this 'joy) Letpatieuce have her perfeEt work : As if he had fail, ( have told you what the perf.él workof pati nce is, donor give check to your patience till it be got up this tier), and hash f. ; your fouls a rejoycing, or (as we fpeak') a crooning over 411 `your tempations. Every grace fhould have its fcrfféf work in us, and foz' they have, who npatitnce bath its perfeä work and then patience lath don that perfect work there commanded when We wait quietly, thankfully, and rejoycingly, till God hath done the'wor'le which he hath promifed. This waitingpati enceisalfo called (by Chriflhimfelf) The paffèffion if the foul (L,`2`Y, 19:) Poffefryeyourfouls in patience., What title foeverwe have,to our own routes, we have no poffctlìon ofthetn'without patience : As Faith gives us-the pof eIlion of 519