Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

120 Chap. 17. At¢Axpofitionupon theBookóf J O B. Yerf.i3. Chri ít, fo patience gives us the pofltflion of our felves impatient man is not in his own hands ; and as waiting patience gives us the prefent pof iffion of our (elves , fo it will bring us to the poffiflìon ofall good things elfe that we (land to need of to make us happy. The Prophet pronounceth them bleffed, who wait ; every ble(ting is a good thing,but to bebleffed is all good things; not only is a fallingbut blefed- nefs the rewardof a waite,, ibe Lord is a God ofjudgement, bleffed are all they that waitfor him (11a. 30. i 8.) waiting, is not only a duty, but a benefit, yea cur bleffednefs. And ifany objet, How is it, blcffednefs, or fo much as a tingle bleffing to wait upon God under this notion as a God of judgment ? Tohave laid, God it a God of mercy, bejed are they that wait fer him, might have taken upon the heart; but to fay, God it a God ofjudgment, bleffedare they that wait for him: How can that be ? is there any defireablenels in judg- ment ? I anfwer, judgment is not thereoppofed to mercy(there's no bleffednefs in beingnear fuch judgment.) We may con- fider judgment in a threefoldoppofiçion, Piro, Judgment is oppofed to anger and feverity (7er. 10.24.) Correll me, O lord, in judgment, not in thine anger It is a bleffed thing to wait upon a God of judgment, in op- pofition to anger; or as judgment imports the golden Bridle ofmoderation upon the patlions and affalions. Secondly, Judgment is oppofed t o injuilice, it is a bleffed thing to wait upon a juft God , who will certainly do us right ; it is a mifery , one of the greateft miferíes under the Sun, to wait upon unjufi and unrighteousmen ; but how great a mercy is it to wait upon a juft,and righteous God. Thirdly, Judgment is oppofed to folly, ignorance, and unadvifcdnefs ; thus God is a God of judgment , or .wit dom, and bleffed are they that waite upon the wife ; it is a vexation to waiteupon rash, foolifh, heady men, who do, they care not what, or know not what they do; but o wait upon a man, much more upon the God el judgment, who knowes how to order and do all things, who bath the full compafs of every caufe within him, and will time every eireumflancc to our belt advantage (to wait upon this God Ifay) is a highpeke of happinefs s God being Inch, a God of