Chap. i7. An Expofiti,on upon the I3oolkof J 013. Verflr3. 52 I ofJudgment, $leffedare they that wait for him ; and fo blef fed are they,that however he may put them to wait long, yet he at his coming will more then recompence all their wai- ting ; as we find in that exultationofthe Church, Ifa. 25.9. And it(hall bePaid in that day , Lo this is our God, we have waitedfor him, he willPave us; this is the Lord , we have waited for him, we will beglad, and rejoyced in his falvation: poffibly Come had Paid then to the Church ( as was faid continuallq to David, Pfal. 42.3. Where is your God ? Ye have long look- ed for him, but he doth not yet appear. The Church having bórn thole reproaches long, fees God comingat'latl,and theti the breaks forth in tryumph, as if the had held God forth in. her hand, and cries him up, Lo this is our God, we have wai- tedfor him The words have a found of Come victory, yea of many victories in them. They (hall in the end overcome all difficulties, who can but overcome their own hearts to a patient waiting upon God : As true repentance for the evil we have done,lo holy patience for thegood we would receive, than never be repented of. And (to add that further ) though,when ( as it appeared here to rob) God in his providential aetings, determimes ne- gatively, and fpeaks it out by the manner of his workings,that his will is not to give, or do for us fuch a thing, it ceafes to be a duty to wait for it, ya to lay down the duty ofwaiting, or to throw it up at any time upon fuch grounds as thefe four ( whichare the ufual grounds upon which it is laid down or thrownup) is extreamly finful, and an high contempt of God. Fitt{,It is extreamly finful to give over welting upon God, as beingunwilling to tarry his leafure. 'Tis the prerogative of God, to dateall times , as much as to do all things for us ; our times are in his bands as well as our affairs , and he is the Difpofer of all things , as in regard of the Means, fo alfa of their Seafons. Hence 'tisour duty to wain as a time, fo all the dayes of our appointed time ( how many foever they are , they are all of Gods appointment ) till óur change (hall come , as Job profeffed his relolution to do, loop. 14 14. The Ifraelites are charged, Thal, 78, 41. For limitting the boy one of Ifrael : How did they limit him ?, There is a twofold lip miting of God : Fir(i, tomeans, when we th auh we cannot Xs- :n be