Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

$22 Chap. 17, ArtExpofitionupon theBoobof J O B, Vert r3 be faved unle(s we are Laved our own way. Secondly, there is.a limiting of God to times he mutt lave a sby fuch a day,or elfe we cannot be.faved Thisbe lfraelites limited the Holy oneof ifrael , andfet bounds to bum, abaft power and wifdoin are im+ne,.fisrable. God may )utily limit man, alai man never loth jutlly till hekeeps within the limits of God ; but it is not_ a.fi1 bat a high prete illation, for man to limit God : nor is it p tib.ale tor man to break his own bounds more by any thing. he doth,then bay ti:ttii,b,bouncs to God, wnat.or when he (hall do. Secondly, It is exceedingly tnfal togive over waiting. on God for deliverance Di ai; :afiction, becaufe we are either difpleafid with God woo fends it, or are angry at the aftl;fi- on fens.. When God.throws a us, we fhould hoop humbly, and take it up, poi it into our bofoine(if we. do fo, though it lookl ke a worthiefs Feble, it will quickly change into apreyious. pearl, however we tnci(l no! like the Dogg rage at it and bite it , whichyet many 0o. N . w they who are vex: cd at the afflidionwhich God fends , or at God hinifelf, for fending theaffiidion, there will never wait upon God for the removing,of it Such was the frame of.that wretched King,. 2Kings 6.33.,who raid This evil is of the Lord, whereforefhould I wait on the Lordany longer ? As if he had laid., I will never wait for any kindnels at _his hand, who hath already ufed me thus unkindly He that takes an afi&ion in ill p. -rt at the hand of God, will never expel good front him ; or if he do, it mutt come very fpeedily, or elfe his waiting is over, 'Tis not unlikely that this King , by the advice of the Pro- phet Elifha had waited a little, hp was loon weary Whyfhould .1 wait a y longer ? There was reafon enough why he fhould, but hisunbelief wouldnot let him fee what he.faw, nor under: hand what himfelf had fpoken : For the reafon which he gave why he would wait no longer, is the ftrongeft reafon that can be given why.he fh,iuld. have waited longer, This evil is of the Lord. 'Tis true, that among men, they, from or ofwhom evils are, are ufually the unfitteft to.remove them : Men who wound are feldomskil'd at curing ;. but the Lord brings no e- vil, but what he can remove, nor Both he make any wound but what he can heal; yea no power nor art in the World,. canheal the wounds that he makes, or remove the evils which . he