Chap,afi An Expofitionupon the Bo "k of J O B. Verf.t3 523 he brings, but his own. Hence the patient Believer cries out with the Church , Hof 6. r. Let us retnrn to the Lord, yea let us wait upon the Lord ,,for he bath torn and he mill Beal : But the impatient Believer faith, Let as turn away from the Lord , les us wait upon the Lord no longer, for 'cis he that bath torn us, and therefore furely he will not heal us. Grace and Corruption may take up the fame principles , but they draw Conclufaons from theta as contrary, as themtelves are. Thirdly, It is exceeding finful to give over waiting, as thinking that God cannot help Some thorten their path ence by fhortning the hand ofGod. That fuch were the ap; prehenfion ache Jews, is more then probable by the Pro- phcrs N. gative affertion, Ifa.59.t. Behold the Lords hand ís not fhortnedthat it cannotfave. Forthly, It is exceeding finful to give over waiting upon God, by turning afide to finful wayes: Some find out ( as theyfuppofe nearer wayes to help themtelves , then by at- tending upon God , they like not e, as fuch have prophanely called them) thole pious dales: and fo over Hedge and Ditch they will, to the overtaking of their own ends. The Prophet Jeremiah defcribes fuch , Chapter 18, r 2 And they Paid, there isno hope or, our cafe is defperate, all's loft. What then ? but we will walk after our own devifes, and.every one do after the imagination ofbisevil heart: The Lord had told them 1/erfe r i, BeholdIframe evil aga.níl you, and devife a device again(t you. But did the Lord devife a device , meerly to en- fnare them, or did he frarve evil againft them only to undo them ? No, his aimwas th ir repeiaance not their ruine, and therefore he adds in t fame Verfe , Beturn re now e- very onefrom hie evil wayes , and tn<. a your wayes anw., a- inge good: As if theLord had laid, Tn.augh I au: now to frame evil againll you, yet do ye return to rne, and all fh; it be well. How do they refent this thr. atning ,r,d this They grow defperate upon it: And 'feting G .d bath broug it them into fuch ttraights, they wo°.Id get out as we .l as they could.And as hewas deviling devices aga'ntt them fo they had devices oftheir own , and them they would fobN. Thus they would not wait upon God for a. recneày in the way of Xx x 2 repentance