524 Chap.i7. Act Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Verf z 3; repentance for their old fins, but they would provide them- felves a remedy by running into new fins : They bad a device in theirbeadr,which fhould match thedevice ofGod. Now what the I'rophht fubjoyns, Verf. 13, 14, 15. as a throng redargution of that people who refuted to wait upon God in that way, the fame may we fay to all thofe who re- refute to wait upon God in any way. The Virgin ofIfrael(he calls her fo to mind her what the thould be, not to commend her for what the was ;bath dine a very horriblething,rrilla man leave the Snow of Lebanon, which comet!) from the rock of the field ? Or, will a man (as our Margin bath it ) leave my fields for a Rock, orfor the Snow ofLebanon? that is, Will any tra- veller be fo foolith, as to leave the plain fields, where he may pals with eafe and pleafure,without let or hindrance to climb over craggy Rocks and precipicious Hills ? will he leave a beaten path, to go through valt Woods and defolate Forretis covered with Snow, where no track of footfieps are to be feen ? or ( as it follows in that Verfe ) fhall the cold flowing waters which come from anotherplacebe forfaken: or, fhall the cool running waters be forfaken for ftrange waters : that is, Will anyy man whobath freth Fountain -water of his own at home, go to leek water in a flunking Ditch, in ftanding Pools, and miry Puddles when he is a thirft ; Such is thechoice or exchange which they make, who ceale waiting upon God in his wayes, and turn afide for help to their own crooked wayes, Stumbling ( as the Prophet fpcaks at the fifteenth Verfe of the fame Chapter ) in their wayes from the ancient paths , to walkin paths, in a way not caft up,, or where no Caufey is. Though the hand and providence of God loth fometimes bring this people ( as the Prophet (peaks; Ifa. 42.16. By a waywhich theyknew not, and leads them in paths that they have not known : That is, Intoa way which they knew not , by any former-teachings ofmen, or experiences oftheir own ; yet his hand never leads them into any, which is not cafl up, or which maynot be made out, by fomeRule or Example that's in the Word: To leave waiting upon God in his - ordinary wayes, and togo in any extraordinary way which bath no ground in the Word , is purely to follow our own wayes, and to go after the imaginations ofour evil hearts. Job