5 26 Chap. a7. An Expofitian upon the Book of J 013. Verf i4 prtfs the fiate of death by : What defirablenefs there is in Death, what pleatures in the Grave , will appear further in thole arguments which Death ufeth to invite us home to its horde, the Grave, in the next Verfc, which tells us our mofr lovely companions, yea our fweeteifand moll endeared rela- tionsthere, are, Corruption and Worm . Verf. r4, I havefail to corruption, Tkou art my Father, and to the Worm, Thou art my Motber,and my Sifter. This Verle is of the fame fenfe with the former ; only here, ,b breaks into an Elegant variation anewMetaphors, and Hyperbolical exprc[lions. [ Ihavefail, That is, I have (as it were) called to, and faluted the retia nue and attendants ofdeath,as my friends and kindred As I have made my bed in the grave,and as this is my houfe,fo now I am finding out my houfhold relationsil fay to this, Thouart myFather, and to that, Thou art my Mother and Sitter; The word which we render, ! have Paid, &c. lignifies not ti- barely tofry but to cry, or call out : I have called out to cors I clomore ruption ; to Mailer Broughton, to pit I cry, OFather O Sifter, vocare ap,pel- O Mather to the Worm : not barely, I havePaid, but L,c,y, and tare, & per not barely, I cry Father to the pit, but he adds alfo a noteof etefï mein no- minare,clegart exclamation, 0 Father. profepopeio-per Secondly, The words imports not generally a calling, or quern jobtu. cryingout, to any one that comes next , but to Come fpccial ruu;em alla- erfbn b way ofelc:C#ion and choice,or to fuch as we k -,ow çataar.Bold. well,and are acquainted with, as the terms ofFather, Mother, ;'t7 and Sifter imply. Yerbum erbum ea. Further, the words-fignifies,notonly to call aloud, and to om o enrrere call with eletion, but to go forth on purpofe to call a friend, o!icui,uanoc or to invite him in : As when we fee an acquaintance coming currentemfoie- towards us, or our dwellings, we lept out to meet and wel- í7e1 frerrogar come him, fo the word may bear in this place : As if yob fees tthqua proprio ing death drawing towards him,had gone out,and laid. O cor- nmmine appel- ruction t,y Father,0worms my Mother my Sifter, welcomes Lire, welcome,tiach an Elegancy the word yields us. Ißiall FiypsrboLs funr quibutfrg nifrrarfrom nein jam vit eo,pitatiorem abdìco,lf.jcn.