chap. r7. An Expoftion upon the Bookof J O B. VerGI4. 527 i thall not here stand upon any anxious D tquiiicion about the propriety of thefe Relations,how Job calls Corruption his Father, and the Worm his Mother and Sitter, or in drawing out Comparifons about them ; we are to look only to a Ge- neral Proportion, not to an cxata propriety in thefe words; there is no need to make cut parallels between Corrupt tin and a Father , or between Worms and a Mother, or a Silte r. Only thus Much maybe aíferted particularly. Firtt, He (peaks thus to thew that he looked on death, not only not as an Enemy, but not as a (ranger. Death and he were well acquainted. Secondly, He fpcaks thus to thew, that death was not only not a ftranger to him. but as one ofhis kindred : He was upon as fair terms with death, as with Father and Mother. Thirdly, job (peaks thus to (hew,that he did not only look upon death as in a near Relation,to hitn, but as having a kind of delight and contentment in death What is more Tweet to aman who bath been in a long journey, and is returning Vie?endot' home, then to think that he is coming to his Father and Mo mortemfibi in they, to his Brethren and Sifters ? As Nature gives us Kin- TO4 n'T6,c,itl QH, tUum amr. deed by blood , fo it is a cu(tom to adopt and (lamp to our' cnlar nece fe.ves Kindred by kindnefs; One we call Father; and Ano ftudini+c.ra then we call Mother ; One is our Brother,a fecond is a Sifter, pelln. Piscr, "1 a third a our Couzen, by the mutual tyres or by-the Reeks and returns ofcurefie. Thus we are to take thefe Compellations, as intimating. with what fpirit Job entertained the thoughts of death, even with no other then ifhe badbeen to fall into the embracer ofa Father, and blather, and sifter He Laid to Cor- ruption, as we (hould fay to Wifdom-, Prov. 7.4.. Say unto Wifdom, thou art my Sifter; and call understanding thy Kinf- woman : that is, Acquaint thy'felf with, and be familiar with -Wifdom, fo (halt thou keep thy Pelf( which is bot h thy, Wif- dom and thy Happinefs) .a fit-anger, From theft range woman, Verfe 5... Further, it- may yet be enquired, what it is which lob calls Corruption.andthe Worm; I havePaid to Corrupti' What' is this Corruption Thereare two opinions about it, Fitts. Some interpret him fpeaking to the corruption ; and Worms whichhad already kized .upon his body ; for his di- Leaks