Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

528 Chap. 27. Ax Expof tionupon the Bookof J O B. Verf. i q,. feales and ulcerous Sores had bread Corruption and Worms: ' As if he had laid, Imay well call corruption my Father for lam already full of corruption,l may well call the Worm my Mother, my filter, for the. Worms creep in and cut at my fores continually: my body it as if it bad lainalready in tbeGrave, full ofcorruptie on and worms. S:condly, Others expound him (peaking to, and of, the corer p ,qéd corruption , and Worn--i which waited his comrning into m fovea cops the Grave. Theword in the Tex which we tranflate Cor- purcorrurapi- curptron, fignifies alto the Grave ; becaufe bodies do not only cur, corrupt in the Grave, but quickly turn to Corruption. As loon as a body is dead, it is a Carkafs, and after it hach been a while a Caiikaffe,'ris nothing but, Corruption : Hence Tome render it, not, .1 haveJaid to corruption, but to the pit orgrave; fo Mailer Broughton 7o the Pit I cry O Father, to the norm, O Mother, 0 Sifter. The Grave is fo proper a place for corrup. Lion, that 'cis proper enough to exprefs;Corruption by the Grave. And befidesthofe worms which are generated out of the putrefaëtion ofmans body, there are worms ready generated in the Grave to entertain us ; Worms are the proper inha- bitants of the Grave; There they keep houle as a Father,and Mòther, and Sifter, to welcome and embrace tuch as defcend' into it. Mailer Fox reports of Doctor Taylor, a famous Martyr of Chrill inQ.,eenMaries time, who was burned at Hadley in Suffolk, that when he knew he lhould fuffer death by fire, he laid, 1 have been deceived myfelf, and I fhali deceive many at Hadley, when forne hearing this, began to hope he would re- cant and fbrink from that profeflion of the Gofpel which he had made : At laft he explained himfelf, I am a man ofa very full fat body, which Ihad hoped, fhould have been buried in Hada ley Church yard,but Ifee I am deceived;andthere is a great num- ber ofworms there, which might have had good cheer upon my carkzfs, but Ifhall deceive them all my body i eing to be burned. The Earth breeds worms in its own bowels, and our bodies which at the beta and alive are but refined Earth;' being once ',. dead yieldanother race of worms. j )b may be fuppofed fpeaking unto both, or either, Ihave raid to the worm, Thou art my Mother andmy Sifter. We