Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap. i7. An Expofitionupon the Bookof J O B. Verf.i5. 529 We may hence Obfeeve. Thatforce Believers are fo farfromfearing, that they are fa- miliar with death. Other Texts in the former passages of this book, haveocca- ftoned like Observations g yet as often as this occation is re- newed it will not not be unprofitable to renew this Obser- vation : To write the fame things where we read the fame things ( yet the Reader will not find them the fame) is not unprofitable. I fay Come Believers are familiar with death, I am far from faying that he who is not , is no believer : There are not in all , the fame degree of holinefs, though holiness be the fame in all ; but a Believer may arrive at fuch a composure of 1pi- rit, at fuch a ílature ofholiness, as not to fear death. There are force believers t and it is their fin ) who are but lit- tle acquaintedwith death , they feldom go out to the Grave, or look into the pit they are going tog he that hath often converted withdeath in the meditation ( which is a believers way ) of the death of Chrift , cannot be affraid to dye if he know what that deathof Chrift means which he path me- ditated upon. He that knows it throughly, may C as the Prophet fpeaks in another cafe, Ifa. it. 8. play upon the bole ofthis Afp, andput his hand upon the den of this- Cocka- trice ; yea, fuch a believer may not onedy play and put his hand upon the Grave, which is the hole of this Alp, and the Den of this Cockatrice, but he can play with the Alp it felf, and take up the Cockatrice in his hand ; with this Alp or Cockatrice he can fport himlelfas with a brother or Sifter. O how different are the thoughts ofCarnal men, and their words of Death ? How dreadfully do they (peak and think of the Grave ? An Unbeliever faith of the Grave,It is a prifon, not a boufe ; be finder no bedin darknefs, 'tis to him a dungeon, hefaith to corruption Thouart my foe ,and to the worms, ye are to me as Fiends and Furies : He cannot bear the thought c,f them, much lets their fight and prefence. Saints (peak court tingly of death , there is a kind of holy Courtthip in the language of job : ,?gag, r Sam. 15 3 2. came out to Samuel delicately ; for Paid he , Surely the bitte nefs ofDeath is pafi : but he was deedved,for Samuel hewed him in pieces&when he Paid the bitterness of death is paJ}, he meant Death was X y y pact