Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

530 Chap.17. alrt Expofition upon the Book of J OB. iterf rg.a pail. He did not believe, but 'that death would be bitter when ever it fhould come ; but he thought death was pall for that time how ever , and fo he came out delicately., he hood asa Courtier , yea as aKing before Samuel, becaufe he had eCcaped ( as he fuppofed ) that King ofterrours, Thus the Saints come out delicately. indeed , and court it, in the very face of the Kingof teirours, for they know the bitternefs of death is pail, though they were affured they mull dye prefent- ly ; They. do not fay, Deat. it pall, they know death will ,come, and they mutt dye, but the_bitternels is pall, the Gall and Wormwood is taken out ; and upon this account they can fay to Corruption,Thou art myFather,and to the worm;Thou art my Mother, and Sifter. Thirdly, Note. Corruption an Worms are theportionand companions of the dead. Only Jefus Chrill was exempt from this portion , who though heCubmitted himfelf to death for tanners, yet having. no fin in himfelf, he was not at all fubjea to death , nor was it poßble that be fhould be holden ofit : he was the holy one, he had no corruption in his fpirit, and therefore his flefh fate no corruption, A is 2. 3 r -. But as for all flefh , they having corrupted all theirwages, their fleth (hail fee corruption in the end. Take two Corolaries from this. Firft, Let no man glory in bodily beauty, in honours, or alli- ances. Corruption will fhortly feaze upon the molt beautiful body,Worms will crawl upon the fmoothe(t cheeks, upon the fairelt face, and into that mouth which now boafleth great things; and (peaks fo .proudly ; this earth mutt turn to earth, and then the greatelt kindreds and nobleit Pedegrees,: will be loll orfwallowed cp in this, Corruption is my. Father, andthe Worm my Mother, and my Sifter Man is corruptible, while he lives, and when he dies he is corruption. Every . man living is buta Worm;)efus Chritt who abafed himfelf to the lowell condition of man,faith,I am a worm and no man,Pf. a2.6.. When man, dyes , as he goes to the worms, fo he makes worms , who would be proud of his flab, did he know that 'tisbut corruption and worms once removed, and that it mutt fuddenly move back again to corruption and Worms. Secondly,