Chap. 17. An Expofition upon the Bookof J OB. Verf:a5. 531 Secondly, Seeing death bath nothingof its own but darknefs, corruption andworms,which are all unpleafing & a regret toilet," and blood,therefore lave much in Clsrifi, who only gives a remedy' againft all thefe evils: Ifwe live in theGrave ofChrifi,that will make the darknefs ofour Grave light, and the corruption of it fweet unto us. He that upon good interett can fay to Chrift, Thou art my Father, thou art my Brother, thouart my All, can fay rejoycingly to Corruption,Thou art my Father, and to the worm,tbouart my Mother and Sifter .Relation to Chriíi ufo com- fortable,:bat it overcomes thedifcomforeofour moft unpleafant re- lations. That which railed the fpirit ofholy lob to thefe free compliances with death, was the light which he had( even in thofe darker times) about the Redeemer , of which as the nineteenth Chapter gives us a clear and an illuliriousproof, fo *he neat Veree gives us more then an intimation. Vere 15. Andwhere is nowmy hope ? Andasformy hope, whoJhallfee it I He that chearfully quetiions, Where is my hope ? puts it almott out ofquettion, where his hope is. [Where is nowmy hope ? ) Had lob loft his hope, or was it to leek ? Davids enemies interrogate him; and that interrogatory wasas a Sword in his bones, or as a Dagger at his heart) Where is now my God ? Pfal, q.a. lc.. their meaning was , Thy God is no where , he is not to be found, thou haft none to help, none to deliver thee : job* puts the queftion himtelf, and he puts it to him- fell, Where is now my hope ? His meaning is not, that it was no where, but that it was not there where Come would have it. Hopemay be confdered two wayes, either as taken for a grace aging in us, or as taken for fome good upon which that grace ass : Jobs quetlion concerns not hope as it i3 agrace ac`Jcing in us ; he that bath that hope knows where it is, and where it is once it abides for ever ; Plope is no remover; it is an abiding grace ,a Cor. 13.13. How abideth Faith, Hoi: e, and Charity,: heft e three: Thefe a re abiding graces;thefe mull and than keep houle,not only in the Church Militant in general, Y y y 2 but