rhap,t7, An Expofition upon the Bole of J O B. Verf:15 refpeífs temporal or earthly things, Job faith, And now where io my hope ? that is, If I wait and hope about thefe things, my labour is loll,, my hopes are vain and vanifhing, yea already vanifhcd, as the next claufe ( which is of the fame fenfe with this, and therefore needs no Explication ) further fhíweth. tAndfor my hope whofhallfee it ? That is, Who thall fee that which you would have me hope for ? You would perfwade me that I íhall be a great man; if I should take up fuch a hope, who thall ever fee it made good, who (hall fee it fulfilled ? No man fhali. quir meta. And becaule the word which we tranflate Hope in both le Ecm+ntue parts of this Verfe, liignifies alto a Congregation, or the meet- rur,gar°rafu ingof many things or perlons together : That firfl and great turumdicitia? Congregation of waters, or rather the Congregating of thofe Bcz waters is expreffed by it, Gen.' 9. and in a like len le 'tis ufed 1 Sr m concerningperfons, 3er.3 17. Hence the whole Verfe is thus cr.?, rendred, Andwhere now is my' congregation? And as far my 67 ton regarf. congregation who(hallfee it? As if he had Paid, Ifye askafter o-re. gi ubt my congregation orfamily,'eis in theGrave there's all that I'tune congregrs- looltfor, there'smy Father and Mother,rhere'smy Sifïers,andwill t °n 3reaar ór anymango down withme into the Chambers ofdarknefs to vifrt Hera r cam mycongregation, to fee myfamily : this it all the family which I quir ia.aebi -- have in my eye, andwhofe eye elfe it greedy tofee this? ear Y Bold. I might from this Verfe turn back to that Obfervation late- ly given ; That a true believer is ComeOmes able tomake try- umphant reportsabout the wrack of his worly hope ; he can fay, Where is it ? and who lhall fee it ? With dry eyes when the will ofGod removes it out of his fight. David treating of the vanity of worldly things ,Pfal. 39:7. concludes in the raids of all his outward enjoyments, Andnow Lord what wait Ifor ? where ismy hope?? or, What do I hope for ? ('tis all one ) my hope is in thee ; not in the World, not after worldly things ; he cafrly gave up his hope there : The more hope we have in God, the lets we have in and about the creature, lob had much hope in God, but he had none, not only in, but none for the Creature. All thofe hopes were in his fight,as himfelf was,deador dying, and therefore fit only to be buried out of his fight, as he fpeaks in the next Verfe, Verfe 533