Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

534. Chap. r?. An Expofiti^onupott the Bookof J O B. Verf. r 6, Spesmea , om dia mea; retie in pluralidicit fignificans non fpem tantun J. bi ab iílre pro- pmfttamfed et omnes allot fper bujmLvi- tQ.Filerc. 77 leaes finfica :, lj ea omnia qua velut volle, aliguidJulien Cant. ,Yliqui Rabbi. ni ad rpfum. jobum reje- runt,quod ipft- ut fulchea,i,c. :umbra, bra- .thia,vires,ro, bur defcendent Ve£l,bwr huh thrall, boa den pendent. Jun. Dia videbitit ifiar expellati. ones qual prat :dicata, una cumcorpora feretro effer- ri in repul- chrum, jun. Per irrryronem hoer, dillafunt. eajet. Verf. t 6. They(hall go dorm to the bars ofthepit, when our re{f together is in the duff. [ They fhall go down. ] Who ? or what [hall godown? There is no exprefs Rela' Live in the Hebrew : They, that is ( fay tome) thefè hopes; he (peaks in the :plural Number, as if he had Paid, All my hopes about this life are going down to the rit. The belt of worldly hopes, and worldly things, are dying and perilhing, mine are to me as dead and perifhed. Secondly,Others underfiand it offob himfelf; for theword which we tranilate ears lignifies allo the members ofthe body. As if he had laid, I my feltfballgo dawn to the pit, or Grave. A third thus, They(hall defcend upon the Bars ofthe Grave: The meaning is, Te (hall quickly fee me and all my worldly hopes whichyefo muchfpeakef, put together in a Coffin, and care riedout upon a Beire to the gravefor-burial. This going down to the bars oldie pit , according to our reading,imports, that he and his-hopes [Mould defcend to the lower parts of the earth , the Grave , and he buried there .' the pit would fbut him in, and make him fait enough. The Grave is a Prifon, and there are bars or bolts belonging to that Prifon which Phut the Prifoners in;there's no breaking of that Prifon : The Decree of God is the barof the grave, and his purpofe locks it up till the day which himfelf hath ap.. pointed for the refurrccion from the dead, and the judgment which is tofollow. As theevil Angels are referved in chains of darknefs to the Judgment ofthe great day, fo are the bo- dies of men chained and barred down in the darknefs of the Grave, till God fends out the Arch -angel with the found of a Trumpet to fummon them tohis bar. Yet further, thefe words are interpreted as fpoken in deri- lion ofthofeovertures which his Friends made to him about worldly haçpinels : As ifhe had Paid. You perfwade me that I (hall havemuchgood in the world : very well, let it befo, but, doyou tbinktbat I can carry my Goods, my Houles andLands, my SilverandGold, my Cornand my Wine, to make mer-y with in the Grave?Shall I,and the greatnefs you promif me liveto- gether in the Grave) and make our abode in da,rknels ? The Septuagint