Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.i7. An Expofitionupon the Bèolt, of j O B. VerC a 6. 535" Septuagint feem to favour that fenfe, rendering ir, Shall my An bon.? inea Goodsgo with me to the Grave, or, (hall we detcend into the mecum a3 in. daft hand in hand ; when I furrender this battered Fort into fern01 ,e(cen" the hands ofdeath (hall I march out with Bagg and Baggage poll= r ÿ terfuerpntr to thefe Subterranean dwellings ?The Apo(ile afrms,That we veremdefcene brought nothingwith us into this World;and(hedoth more then demur. affirm) It is certain(faith he)wecan Barry nothingout, i Tim.6. 7. And therefore what doth it avail a dying man to tell him of ríches,fceing when he dyeshe mutt leave all his riches. Mailer Broughton tranflates plainly thus, To the' midft of the Grave all(hall defcend, when wePall go down together in the dull. From which, our reading ofthe latter claufe varies but . a little. When we (hall raft together in the duff. The word which we exprefs by reft , is derived by force, from aroot fignifying to detcend, or go down ; hence the difference of tranflation. The Hebrew particle( ) which we render When, fignifies allo For, or Forafmuch:Further, it is fometimes taken conditionally, for If, asallòinterrogative ly for ( utrum) whether; according to all which acceptations, this clank hath undergonea variety ofreading. But I pats them by, andkeep to ourown, When our re( to- gether is in the duff, or for as much ar we(hall rejt together in thedu!i.Of this refs I have fpoken before, Chap, ,a, 17. There the weary be at refl, thither I refer the Reader : We may allo take jobs fenfe in this place , by that which he (peaks fo clearly out of this point, Chap. 3o.. Vérf. 23.. For I know that thou wilt bring me to death, and to the haute appointed for all living. I (hall not flay, here to draw out Obhervations;mat- ter of this purport,about the certainty of, and about our reti in death, having occurred heretofore : All that I (hall add for the clofe of this Verfe and Chapter, (hall only-bean offer to- wards the refolution of a doubt, which may. arife upon the whole matter of ohs continued refblves for death, and his refulals ofany entertainment ofthe hopes of life. Hence it may be quetlioned, did not Job fin in giving up his hope, and in refuting to be comforted, when his friends; wife andgodly men, laboured to affure him of deliverance ?' I>anfwer,