' f . a Chap.17. An Expof tien Upon thé tuóltrlf J Ó`]: `Vérf 6. 5'3 Secondly, The deign ofGéid`btiiig"in`` yobs, exanipié to fet forth a pattern ofpatience, as his design was in Abraham* example to let forth a pattern of faith, he was pleated to lc t yobs faith run it fell out about Spirituals' and eternal's, not, minding Temporals, that'lo his patience might have a per-` `fe(:f work in bearing the full weightofhis affliction to theend' while his faith did not fomuch a put under a little finger to cafe himwith the leafi belief, that it fhould (as to this life) be taken off, or have an end. Lathy, As('twas hinted) Job had much faith to force purpofes,though none to this ; he had a full troll in God` though he thould kill him , but he had no truff that God would notkill him; he believed God loved him while he did afflia him, though he did not believe that God would deli- verhim fromhis affliûions. As no mansfaith works alikeat all times, fo'tis rare that any mans faith works alike to all things: Some who believe and hopemightily for the things ofHeaven, have but little, either Faith or Hope for earthly things : Not becaufe a faith which ferves for heaven, is not enough ( 'tis rather more then enough ) to ferve for earth : But becaufe moil of thole whole faith is flrong and much enlarged for Heaven, take fo much fatisfaaion there , and are there fo much at home,that they account themfelves pilgrims and firangers here, and are not much mindful ( as the Apoftle (peaks, Heb. r 1,15. ) or delrrous of the their earthly Country and concernments. What we do not much define to have, we do not much believe (though we believe )that wefhall have , it: vqfullfoul, faith Solomon, loatheth the Honey combe: Thole fouls which are full of Heaven ( though they do not loath, yet they ) arc not hungry after ( though they can thank- fully receive and enjoy ) any Honyeomb of this World. No man having drunkoldWine,f}rairway defireth new ,be for faith the old is better, Luke 5 39. ) Doubtlii Jobhad drunk the Old Wine of Gods favour and love in the Redeemer, and fo his thiríl was much (lacked, if not totally quenched towards the new Wine of a temporal reflauration. And hence we may not only charitably , but more then probably conclude, That it was not for want of faith, that yob did not believeor hope for what his friends promifed him, but becaufe he had employed his faith uponbetterand more pleating promifes. Z t z Thy