Chap.i5. An Expoftion upon the Eookof J OB. Verf.12. 45 He vifits both the Indies,yet fieps not over his own threfhold. Thus the heart being carried away, carrieth the man away. And that's the reafon why God calls fo earneflly, My Songive `1i]'í3 t,ß,71] me thy heart ; for where our hearts go, we go, or we are cum n, cu- carried with them : Keep thy heart with all diligence (Prov.4. Jlodiaws. 24.) or, With all keeping, or above all keeping; it muff have double keeping, double guards, keep, ke;p, watch, watch, thy heart will be gone elfe,and thou wilt go with it ; if thou look not to thy heart, thy heart will quickly withdraw it fell, and draw thee---along allo: Why doth thy heart carry thee away ? is a deferved check upon every man, when his heart doth fo ; and, Let not thy heart carry thee away ? is a neceflary caution for every man, left his heart fhould do fo. Jobs heart was too bulk with him,though not fo<buhe as Eliphaz judged, when he thus checkt him with, Why doth thy heart carry thee away ? Andwhat doth thine eye wink at ? But is it a fault to winkwith the eye ? it is Paid (john 13.24.) Nfiura,,, u. that Peter beckned to, or winked at John (the Greek word tor, quia nutus fignifieth an inviting gefture by the whole head, or by the f ri falet vet eye) he winkt at him, I fay , to ask Chrifl who it was of capite.vslosu- whom hefpake : There was no fault in that, but Eliphaz finds fault with this : What was the fuppoled fault ? There is a twofold faulty winking. Firft, When we wink at faults, our own faults , or the faults of other men, to bear with, Or approve them. Secondly, When we wink at the virtues and good deedsof others, to flight or undervalue them ;. poffibly Eliphaz taxed] yob for both thefe, as ifhe winked at his own faults, or would3 hoc not fee them, and that he winked at their faithful dealings, Efrumloeots as {lighting, or not regarding them ; Yet further and more errs, cujus diftinE}ly. fignificarion. The word which we tranflate to wink, is found onely in Rab. Mardo.. this Text all the Bible over. It properly fignifies to infinuate by i i&ciif ea e the eye, to fpeak ormake fignificant tokens by the eye ; there vet indicatlo- is a language of the eye, as well as of the tongue ; here robs new. eye gave fome ill language to the eye or apprehenhion of Eli- mid annu. phaz. Thereare various opinions about it. unt, quid input Firit, Some interpret it, as a note of oppofition againf, urn Nadi rui . or