Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

THE TABLE. C Carnal reafonings are the fireng holds offin z5, The armour and wea, pons offin 136,137 Changes ofwicked men for the worfe 182. Changeablenefs of our ejlate both a part of our mifery, and a great mercy 182,183 Children ofGod why fo.called 441 Children mayfmartfor their fa- them fin 441 Chritt is comfort cloatbed in our flefh, 35, They are moll free, who ferve Chrift mail 9o. Two battels in which we cannot(land without the help of Cbriff 121 , 122. The great love ofChrift to finners, bow it appears 286, God didnot . fpare Chrift when beflood in our. place, 3 o55-;. Name ofChrift, the efential form of prayer 337, Topray in the name of Chrift bath three things init 338. Chrift why called the Son of man ; 86.Chrift is a furety for his people,as well as an Advo cate 425. Chrift was, and is, miff' ready to undertake the caufe offin. nerr, 426 C-hurches,tbeir bappinefr when freed from the mixture of propbane and erroneous perform s 85. A double danger by mingling with fueb in Cburcbfellottfhip 86 Chufing,or to make choice,what 19 Clean, man bow clean under a four. foldnotion 59 Company ofFriends andChildren, a great mercy 251. Man a fociable creature 252. Some company is a burden 253. The comfort offociety tufts in thefuitablentfr ofitt254. None but goodcompany to Heaver, 254 Comforters , miferable comforters who,fhetveddivers wayes 214,215 Twojpecial forts ofmiferable corn. forters 217. Three things to be conftiered by chafe who undertake to be comforters, 217, 218: To know bow to comfort others it a fpecialgift of God 2 , 8. Twogreat duties of a comforter 234. He that would comfort a diflrefedfeul,muf watch for advantages both from his fpeech andfilence 244 Condemnation , felf-condemnatiote f rongefl 20 Confolation, it is ealle with God to comfort tbofe who aremoll difconfo. late 32. Confolations oftwoforts 3 3. Confolation u thepropergift of God 34, God can turn all our croffes into comforts 36. It is happyfor Saints that confolatiou is in the bandofGod,fheired infour particulars 37,Confolátion right adminiflred by man, it the confo- lation of God 38. To count the confolations of Godfmall is aver e great fin,(hewed upon two ground.. 38,3q Counfels of evil men difappointed 188,203, 7 hough the counfelt -of evil men be difappointed, yet obey will go on,three grounds ofit, cfi 207 Confcience hots negltçled 9'g. Con. fcience evil,and its defeat confidee red two wages 99, too. Tie officer ofconfcience , 99 Fourfort: of vii