THE TABLE. evil confcicnce I oo.Guilty Con- fcience thinks every man he meets his enemy 107, He is ever in dan4 ger and under the curt e 108. A twofold evil Confcience Ihewed 343, Aguilty confcicnce cannot endureplainwords 411 Covetous man an infatiable gulf I14 Craft alone how fnful 16 Crofs, good men are apt to hveflrarge thoughts about the Crofs orfuffert ingsfor,orfrom Chriff D 472 Darknefs, five forts of darknefs , 102. Two fortsofof darknefs 160 161 Day how changed into night 509 Death,an untimely death theportion ofa wickedman 186. Death inex- orable,we muff go with it , when it calls 397.A believer fpeaks fami, liarly of Death 398, It is good to put death under eafie notions 398 Death battens , fo fhouldwe to be readyfor death 399. Reif in death 525. Nothing defirable in death it felf 525, The familiarity of foate believers with death defcri- bed 529, Corruption the portion of the dead 53° `Deceived, robot it is to be deceived 170.Man itvery apt to be deceiv'd 172, Mans aptnefs to be deceived arifetb two ways, ibid. There are three, notorious deceivers 172,173 Deceiver, he that publifhetb that isfalfe, though lse had no intent to deceive, isyet a deceiver 242 Decree of God carrier all before it 165,266 Devils trade, what 200 Difgrceagreat afflie7ion todie under a blot ofdifgrace 400 Dilimulationwhat it it 346 Drinking iniquity like water ;feven parallels between thedrinkingofin- iquity, and the drinking of water, 0 Dropping whyput for propbefying in Scripture 377 Dull fhaking off the duff of the feet notes three things 319, To he raie fedfrom the duff, or laid in the dust what meaneth 319.320 E Ecarth,and all earthly things thegift of God two wayes 83. Earthly things continue not,two reafon ofit 157 Eaf -wind why it figedfces pa/ons in man 7 Earned what it is 420 Elea perfons, how, impoffible they fhould be deceived 173 Enmity everlaffingb'etween thegodly,, and the wicked 475 End our end will befuch as our way is 186 Envy what it is 265 Errour, we may be guilty of errours ,by confequence, tbongh we do not hold them 15. They who main -1 tain Errour among men , pall not