Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

THE TABLE. not findfa,vaur with God 436 Everlaflíng,things fo called two ways 24 Evils ofbody andmindwhen they may befaid to be incurable 242,243 Eye, as man fees, fo much of man is feen at his eye 46. Two fins very vifible in the eye,47. A lookof the eye how ponerful 266 Examples of two forts in Scripture 451 Ezekiel, whyfo often called Son of man 368 F Fath,want of faith in times ofafli ¿lion howgrievous 1 c5. The great benefits offaith in fucb aifate,'05 io6, He that bath no faith knows not whether to gofor thefupply of any want, 115, 116 ë Faith bow neceffary inprayer 340 Fatrrffs, wickedmen defcribedby it 146 Father,a wicked father brings a cut-le upon hit children 190 Fathers provoking their Children,very dan. gerons 415 Fear, of two forts rr. To calf off the fear ofGod is higheff wickednefs 12. Holy fear like aporter at the door 16, 17. Natural fear what it is, 95. Pannick fear 96. A wicked manmoff fubjeel to vexing fear 96. Three forts of fear 120. Fear of evil worfe then evil no Diffraiiing fear is theportion of the wicked, 124 Fire, how taken in Scripture 194 Three reapns why the judgements ofGod are called fire 194, 195 Flame taken two wayes r6a Flattery,batb a force in it457.Flat- tery is a kind oflanguage by it felf 4.38. An ordinary way of fatter. ingFickfriends 4 9, Two woyes of flittering men 440 HowGod may befaid to be flattered,ibid,Flatte. rya very great fin, 441. Efpe- cially flattery in fpirttual things 442. Flatterers prove moff hateful at lag- to thofe whom they have flttered, 442443 Friends the beff ofthem may prove u,friendly 375, Friends taken two ma}es, 387. G. Gehenna why it fignifies Hell 455_ Gyants,ro run on like a Gyant, what 3 i o Two reaf nr why Gyants are called Nephilim in the Hebrew 311., Gifts offiveforts 196. 4 gift and a bribe fg.riftedby one word in the Hebrew .and why 196 Gnafhing of the teeth afcribed to men notesfour things 264,26.5 God, the cleaneft creatures are un. clean before bim, 64. The hand jiretcht out againfl God three ways 128.7bat it is a foolillsas a finfoe? thing to oppofe God , fhewed three wayes 138; God is in Heaven in a fpeçial manner 369,. God lfionld