THE TABLE. lhouldnot only be our refuge, but our choice 380 Gods,falfe Gods, bow they are fatni Jhed 2;8 Grace is of an increaftng nature 484. It encreafeth in times of trouble 484 485 Grave, in what fenfe no returning from it 39639.7.We had need fee all our workdone,and well done, be forewego thither 399. Difcourfes ofthe Gravevery fuitable for fick men 407. Some as ready for the Grave as the Grave is for them, 480. Why the Grave is called a haute 515. The Grave called darknefs ina double refpell 516 Grcennefs,wbatit ftgnifies in Scrip, ture 19e) H Hand,how taken in Scripture 1 2 5 Stretching out the hand imports four things 126, 127. The hand ofagood man, how it is faid to be green 189. Clean hands, what it imports 482, They who bave cleanbearts,will have clean hands too,483. Hands, ffrikingofhands, what itfigniftes 421 evil heart is a bad tutor, 43 The heart it too hard for the whole man 43,44. How the heart cars ries the man away 44. The heart firengthens and hardens it felf a* 1 gainft God andhow I 25,136. The'+ heart verydeceitful in a threefold reference 173. Heart, as a fhop wherefin is framed205.1 he open ingandjhutting of the heart is the workofGod 43 t. The vanity of fuch asfay theybave good hearts, when their wayesitre evil 483 Heavens, how they are unclean, 64.. Heaven is not every where 369 Three heavens fpoken of in Script ture 371 , Heaven it bigbeft in Scripture , four deduelions from the highnefs ofheaven 372,373 Hiding, of twoforts 8o Hillsfrom the beginning 23. It is sr. foal in Scripture to fet that forth by the hills, which is of greateji antiquity / 24 Holinefs, no created bolinefs Diable andperfe6l in it 62. In what hand's confif s Hopeputsmen on to all-lion, though they have been often difappointed 208.4 good man may give up all bis worldly hopes 525. Hope confidered two wayes 531, A two. fold objell ofhope 53 2 Horn,it imports two things infcrip - titre 317. Whyfirength is fignified by the horn 318 Humiliation,outwardhumiliation is a duty, when the hand of God is upon us 322 Husbands bitternefs to their wives, bow unbecoming 4'S Hypocrite, be is under a curie 193, Thefafhion ofan Hypocrite 413 1. Idols, how called new , or near Gods 510 Jews;