Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

THE- TABLE Jews, bow God brought the curie which they wiped upon their own heads 355,356 Imprecations'` of twoforts '352. We may in fome cafes u[e imprecations ibid. Two grounds of them, ibid. Four rules limiting the ufe of imprecations 354. Diverfe dread- ful examples ofloch as have ofed imprecations rafhly andfalffy, 355 356 Infidelity,a wicked man full of inh- delity,tbat húflate it bad 184 Infirmities of two forts 33o Inpttice two forts ofit 328 Innocencyfears no difcovery 358 Integrity makgs a man firong in bear - ingtroubles 330 Judge, it is a great honeur tojudge a- no-ther, mans caufe 435 judgeânent confdrred under a three- fold oppofition 52o Julian the rlpof}ate his blafphemy 126 the opinion of Athanafius concerning him 159 K. Know,to know how taken In Scrip - ture 116 Knowledge, there it a vanity infante kind of knowledge 6. Sins againfi the light ofknowledge mofi doge. rout 132 L. Law how he that breaks one command- ment of the ,Law, may be faid to breakall 333 Leannefs oftwoforts 259 Lye, every fin ú a lye 89 Life the number oftheyear,t ofour life isafécretto all e93. That ir, afe- cret is an af}lillion to a wickedman, 93, 94. It is bell for us that thú is a fecret,and why 94. Life of man like,: piece of Cloath in the Loom i Light,a twofold light denied to fom 429. Three reafons why God de- nies ligbt, 433 Límitting Godwhat, shefinfulnefs of it 521 Love the fpring of all anion, whether good'or evil 207. What we overlovq we are in danger tolofe 299 M. Manutenentia Dei 480 Mcdiatour, the Dolirine of aMedia- tour between God andAlan, known and believed Chrifi came into the World391. The twofold nature ofthe Mediatour known in all ages of the Church 392 Mercy of God, how not to be pleaded 136 There is a fivefold mercy of God 301. Fovr degrees of fearing mercy 301,302 Moloch, the Idol, why fo called, how formed,andworfhipped 455 N. Neck, fluff neck what it imports is Scripture 641. Running upon the neck, the.meaningef it 142 Aaaa Neto,