Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

T HE TABLE. Nero, his miferable end, IS3.7he cle- mencyofNero, bowfhewed, 3o4 fpeech when he made bis Grave , 315 threeSons,bow tilled, 82 O. Oaths of two forts, 352,364Jtuler about oaths 364,395 Omnipotency ofGod,what 134 Oppreflion wife men aloft affelledwith it, why, 248 Opprellìon called blood 35-) Oppreffors arefpeeditycut of, 92 Ordeal ufedfuperffitioufly by the old Saxons,fourfortsof it 354 P. ?anions when violent, are the difgnife ofa wife man 8. Pafons breakout unto unprofitablewords 9 Patience,a three -foldpatience 517 Theperfcú work of patience con. ffir in two things, 519. Patience afeends by three fteps to her perfecti- on, ibid. patiencegives ras poffefon ofourfelves 1 Peace ofwickedmen, what itis, and whence it arifeth 99 People ofGod,dangeroui to touch them 129 perfeetion (fa thing,what,158. Ai xhe perfe6hon of earthly things is 7ranifhing 159 Perfeverance both the duty andprivi- ledge of Saints 8 llëafure,twoforts of it, which every manJbouldabhor 276 löverty., fosse poverty is a note of Gods difpeafure 1 t 2 Oppreffours often brought to poverty , What it is that makes poverty f great an evil to any man,113.Ima_ ginary poverty, or fear of want makes us more miferable then want, 114 Power, they who have much power are tempted to opprefs, 91. Agodly man hash a natural andcivil power to do evil, bus he bath not a moral power to do it, 231,232 Pra9ice ofduty the bet) anfwer o la. der in anykind 314 Proverbs whit they are 446 Providence ofGod, how exercifed to- wards his people, when be puts them into the handofwickedmen , !hewed diverfewayes, 281. Some provi- dences of God put the wifeff;yo a Jtand, 469, Five mifearriages of carnal men, at the unfualdealings andprovidences ofGod4y1. Wife men often out in expovnding the providences ofGod 8, Prayer, the finfulnefsofforbearing,or abating prayer in times of trauble; 15. Hypocrites never love prayer, and in two feafons they lay it by,, 6. To reffrain prayer 3r worfe then not topray, t6. Prayer taken two ways, 328. Onlypure prayer is acceptable' prayer, 335. The requifites topert gayer,(hewed, 336,337. Thegene- ral end ofprayer what,344. Prayer why expreffedby a cry 351. Not to have prayer heard by God, is the greateff mifery that eau befall men, .359. Prcfumptuous