THE TABLE. trefumpttioùsfin fpoken ofin the, Old Teffament, why thought to be the fame with the fin-againft the holy -Ghoff in the NewTeffament 13o Pride caufeth oppofitionagainff God" 141 Promifes.threeAs ofthefoul upon the p romifes 514 Profperity,to bave been in profperity adds to the bitternefr ofany prefent adnerfity 285 Punithment proportioned to fin two wayes 131,153 Provocationwhat it i$ 414. There it a goodprovocation 415. Three ill ef- feei7r ofprovocation 416 Purpofes,mu(t befollowed by aîlion, if not, a double danger 505. Death breaksall our purpofes tbid. R. Recompence of twoforts 180 Rejoycing rejig others rejoyce at our troubles it verygrievous 462 Reproach, the heft Saints on Earth have been deeply reproached 271. Good men have often repproached one another 272. Reproach is a very heavy burden 273. 4 Re proaching tongue is compared in Scripeure to three things 274 Reproof,[mein reproving other mens faults,run into thefame themfelves Repentance, a returning, the two terms ofit, 493 Revelation ofdivinefecrets,two wayes of it, 26 Revengebelongs to God, man muff not revenge bimfelf 236. Revenge it very Tweet toforcefpirits 276, 277 Reward,it it undoing of fame to have their reward 183 Reyns what they ftgnifie in Scripture, 298. To cleave the reytts, what 299 Riches, it isnot in the power of man toget riches `156. Riches ill got- ten will nothold 157.A. carnal man Would haveperfeilion ofriches 158: Riches lying vanities, 'hewed two wayes 177. Inwhat fenfe riches are deceitful 187 Rich men ; the fame word fignifies a rich man,and a man at eafe, inHe- brew, two reafonsofit, 283 284 Righteous men perfevere in the wayes of Godagainft all difcouragements, 9.79.7-heir perfeverance it from the power ofGod 480 S. Sack-cloth takentwo wayes in Scrip- ture 315 Saints ,who 62: Saints by Pine called Heaven,two reafonsofit 63 Scandal at"the Croft or fuferings of Profeffort 472 Scorn, bowoppefite to love 375. They who are highly honoured by God,are often [cornedbymen 375 376, 7 hree words in the Hebrew fignmfy- ing to (corn their difference 41e: Secrets ofGod,or nivint fecrets,of two fort:: a Raaa2 Secinl