Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

THE TABLE. Seeing, aforefenfe 77. Seeing taken two ways 77 Seers,o'd Prophets,rrhy fo called Servants, in what fente they mutt hot anfztitr again o Security, wickedmen are neareft, rde_ ftraserion when they are mofi ecure_ I.Ò6 Siiaddai,Name of God lignifies three things 134 Sick friends not to be, fiai erech' bon3to be dealt with 439'. ,Sicktits unfits moll forfpiritual duties 506 Sin faine fins tnoreproper tofoire men, 17. Max is more apt to all hispaper fin 18. Sin kept''clofe' benders the receiving ofthe Word 41. Sin and fin, only makes inert aboininable; in the 'fagot of God'. 69. 'illultiplyed alls of fin argue mansfinfulnefs, 69 All fans are agai.nft God, yet foule are more againft him 13o Sinning with a high hand, two things in it. 130. Sin the greateft evil,andWhy, 132. Sin inns againft reafon 137. No danger can keep a wicked heart N fromfinning 149.. Sin deceitful' x74.. There are three eminent e. vils in . Sin 175. Sin deceives by a threefold promifé 175, 176. Same fpecial charallers,of t,be fis of a wicked man 199. 7'o be a f lotter.óf finis morte then to be an aller ofit, zoo. Wicked man cannot but frri 2Q2. Thy are oft put to,tnttchpain in finning 262. Sinful cönceptions often prove abortive 263. Sin as the fling of afielion 216. Great Sins kave their mark261. It ispoffible to ltve without ánÿ katotvn fin .33 L Crying fin,rrhat, I Solirarrneis in what fenfegooçl 5 Sorrow 'is dry 257. Sorrow makes old before the time 257. Sorrow Yunder- f offerings a -not contrary to patience 3z2. - Sorrowworldlyand gódly, its effeeis 324. Sorrows tat ken -two mayen 464, The forrows of the mind break and waken the body Spiiritof man in an ill fente What it fignif-teth 51. To turn- `the' fpirir againft God, moft.. ftnful 51. In what cafes a man may be charged to have banned his fpirit againft God, Si ighting,oi the cheek, what itfgn =2°. fiefin b`crtpture 269 Sparing mercy;mhat3oo,3o1 Sparing finfulnefs 304. . Sparing mercy it the lomeft degreeof mercy 2o6. Spirit helps to pray , no pure prayer without . the belp of tbe Sp rit, 340 465 L Strangers a double no.icn of them,' 83, 84 Strangers Why called Ene. mien Soul putfir the whole man a27. Soul fuf%rings put for allfufferingr, and why 2 ? Superaition or falfe, morfhip bath a. tangeof bafenefs and flavery in it Surety what,to, be a Surety 420,, Chrift'is our Surety 425. Here` ChriJt is called the furety ofa better 7eftamentfheared two zvayes ibid. C'hrift.