THE TABLE. Chriff being our Surety we neednot fear 426. Our Surety is of Gods appointing not ofours ibid. Sword ,how taken in Scripture 1©6 T. Tarnerlain thy Majeffy of his eye 266 Teaching what we teach others , me fhould be well affured of ourfelvesg Teares ofehree forts 320. Teares have a eoice 377. Eight forts of Tears in Scripture; all vocal 378. Tears are verypowerful Orators 3.79 Tetrmptarïon noJfánding in it without the help ofCbriff ` - 122 Thoughts called the poffeßsns of the heart,why 503 Threatnings,a godly man makes uje of ihreatnings as well as ofpromifes, to provoke himfelf to hit duty 443 truft that which bath deceived him 17),180. The Creature i1 molt vain to thofe who truft it 18r Truth a precious commodity, itfhould be conveyed to pofferity 90. Truth muff not be hid Si : Some truths are ofcommon obfervation 211 ordinary truths will notferve in ex- traordinarycafes 212: Trials, when God brings to new tryals hegives newjtrength 486 Tympniaation or druntming,whaskind oftorture i t.was 456 Tyrant the common name ofKings in old time Vain,Scripturecalls things Vainfour wayes Vanity what it is 171. Vanity taken two Mayes ibid. Vanity of the Creature 176. When a man brings forth vanity (hewed . in three parti- culars 201'` Tongue, theScholler of the heart 17 Vau an Hebrewparticle,its diversfigs Sinbath got the maffery of the heart nileations 388, when it freely vents it Pelf at the Unbelief of threatnings as dangerous as tongue 55. Tongue a light member ofpromifes 184. The ufe which yet falls heavy I67 Satanmakes of'itch unbelief, ibid. Tophet why fo called 455 Unbeliefis thefhieldoffin 180. Traditionwhen in ufe of what force Underflandinghow God may be. Paid now - So to hidetbe heart from underftanding Trufling-in thing or perfon is upon a twofold feeppofition 6r. To truft and to truft inor'upon thefame, 61 Man will leavefamewhat to truft to and why 178. It is mans duty txuft God 179. Matt is molt apt to (hewed four wayes y..29-. . That it is the work of God to do it ,r fhemed 431. It is a great judger- ment to have the underftand;ng, clouded 432. Our un' derftand arifeth two Mayes, ibid. When