THE TABLE. jpeas,219.22o. Bitter and pafo- nate words to man, provoke God , 225, 226. VVords duly fpoken are ofgreat poorer, 236. Ill fleep- ing upon hardwords, 414. Vnkind words are bitter to the bearer. 4. Harfh words carry much provocation in doers, 415. Hard words flick, long upon thefpirit of °man, 417 Worms, the companions oftbe dead, 28 Wrath of God a confuming flame 163. Howwe are faid to giveplace to wrath t Wrinkles, in the face caufed á3vó wayes, 256. Aperfe5i foulffate,and a perfell fiate of body, bath no wrinkle in itt 257,25.8 ATable