Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

515 Chap. Expofition upon the Sóo%of J O$, Verf: i 3 . ----_._ be-worfe than the fin of the tongue, yet when tongue-fins are tleep'd in the puddle of a corrupt heart, they are moll un- favory David finned when he laid, in his hafte, all siren are lyars <How greatly then do they tin ,,who tell lyes at their leilure, and (peak evil with deliberation. That which is falci in haft, is laid by the tongue alone, without the privity of the heart, but the heart is always privy to that which is Paid at leifore, The Prophet taxeth thole, the /hew of whole coun- tenance did teftifte againft them (Ifa.3 9 ) They fail payum. der as fevere a cenfùre, the foundof whole tonguesdoth te- ilifie againtl them ; for they alto (as it follows in the Pro- phet) dtclare their fin as Sodom, they hide it not: Further, this alfö argues the evil of evil fpeaking, becaufe it wrongs ethers, and infects the Auditors The vanity and error of the mind fpoken out, is contagious; better keep it in, than fpeak it out, but both are nought : 'tis onely good, when we purge it out. Though it be fome allay and leffening, yet it is no .excufe for fin, that we keep it iii ; God hates it, let it lie as clofe as it will ; and though a fin kept clole, doth not hurt others, yet it is not onely hurtful, but deadly to its keeper. They onely are out of danger, who as they do not let evil go out of the door of their mouths, fonot lodge in the cham- bers of their heart. Thus I have opened the charge contained in this part of the Chapter; in all which, Eliphaz hath reproved the fpeech of job, as vain, empty , proud , paffionate', and erroneous, He now proceeds to thew him (as he fuppofed) the error of hisopinion, and to confute it.