Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

.62 Chap., as. An Expofition upon the Book o f J O B. Verf. t g, ourfeparationfrom the worldunto God..holy perfons are feparated perfons; that's their Rate. But more di(tinfly, who are thefe holy perlons, thefe Saints? theGreek Interpreters refirain the Text to the oldPatriaríts, Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob, as alto Mofes and Aaron, with whom God at fometimes was angry, or found fault with Tome of theiraétings : Secondly, others ./NM wean- by the Saints underftand the confirmed Angels, whoare cal- fur Sanfti Dei, led Saints by way ofexcellencie ; becaufe among all Creatures qua¡,eifang, they are (in one fenfe) the molt holy , as having ever been liarirfni ate; without the leaft fpot or taint offin, whether in their natures, iYiuoobfequto or in their lives; and having ever continued as the Houfhold addihirfimi. fervants of God, obfervant of, and obedient to all his Corn- -. Dan.q.8 . mands. But we may rather take it in the general, both for the holy. eft of men, and for the holy Angels : Behold, be puts no truft in his Saints ; no, not in thole who are mots holy. Hence Obfe,ve: There it no createdholinef's foregable , andperfeel in it [elf Theglorious Angels which are , and ever (hall be Saints in Heaven , and theSaints in Heavenwho are like Angels, Rand not in that holy and happy e(iate, by their own fufliciency, but by the Decree and Grace of God. Thofe Angels which fell at fiat were holy, and they who now ftand, might have fallen notwithttanding their Created holinefs, if God had not fuperadded confirming Grace, which eltabh(heth them for ever. Yet this is not all, that the Angels are impeded , be- caufe they might fall, if not fupported, there is fomewhat more in it ; for though the angels are perfedly righteous in reference to the Law , ( for the whole bent of their hearts is to God , and they love God with all their hearts , which is the fulfilling of the Law : ) So that the obedienceof the Angels in Heaven, is made the copy and pattern of our obe- dience here onearth, as Chrift hath taught us topray, though ( I fay ) the Angels are thus perfectly righteous in reference to the Law ; yet there is a higher righteoulnefs and holinefs in God: There's but the holinefs of obeying a Law,Godbath the bolinefs of being a Law : They have a holinefs without fpot, yet it is but a finite, a created holinefs , now what compa- rifon is there between finite, and infinite ; created , and un-- created;therefore though there be no blemifh in the obedience of