Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.' 5. An Expofition upon the Bock of J O B. VerC r s 63 of Angels, none in their nature, none in their lives , yet God puts notruft in them, he cannot ay the weight of his confi- dence upon them, becaufe theycreatures. The next claufe doubles this point. .end the Heavens are not clean in hisfight, There is a difference among Interpreters what thefeHea- vens are ; The Chaldee Paraphraft, and force ofthe Ancients, underhand the Angels, as in the former part of the Verfe ,and they fay the Angels are called the Heavens under a twofold confideration: F'irft, Becaufe Angels are like the Heavens in their fpiritua- lity and incorruptibility in their order and fubordination a- mong themfelves , as alto in their power over fublunary or earthly bodies. Secondly, by a Synecdoche, becaufe the Angels have their habitation in Heaven, thats their dwellingplace ; fo Mailer Broughton tranilates,Nor they ofHeaven be clean in his eyes;that is, the Inhabitants of Heaven are not clean in his eyes. The CaruleaOTi- Heathen Poet calls thofe whom he fuppofed drvellers in Heaven by brit cxlogro- the Name ofHeaven ; defcribing a pleafant River, he calls it, A risfimue amnis, River pleafant to Heaven ; that is, to thofe who are in Flea- i.e. dinvet caticots.Vire,. ven. 1.8. Others by Heaven underhand the Saints in Heaven, not the Angels ; and that alto upon a twofold reafon. Firft , Becaufe he is faid todwell in the Saints , they are sanbti in qui_ his habitation, and wherefoever God dwells he makesa Flea- buetonquam to ven. catie hobitara Secondly, Becaufe the Saints , not one!), thofe in Heaven, Ìt dicn üa but they on earth, have their converfation in Heaven ; (Phil.3. qus alegoria' 20. ) As carnal and earthly minded men are called Earth, be- frequenrisjì>,a cauCe their hearts and converfations are fixed to the earth ; fo eft interanti. fpiritual and heavenly minded men may be called Heaven, be- q`ined.rre 9 caufe their hearts and converfationsare fixed in Heaven. Thirdly, We may rather underhand it in a proper fenfe theheavens, that is,The heavenlybodies arenot clear in thy fight; the heavens are themoil excellent and purefi part of the Crea- tion : And therefore this interpretation , or rather plain con firudion ofthe words,fuites the (cope ofElipbaz fully,who as he fpake beforoof the Angels , who are the pureti of all ra- tional , 4