Chaim5. AnExpojition upon theBook of JOB. Vér1 17. 77 I.sroiQChew thee, hear thou me ; as if he had raid , Thou art out of the way, thou art in the dark, and therefore in charity, I Cacutienti ti- will lend thee a threadof trueDoctrine, to leadtbee, out of that bi E5 in masi° labor nth of error, wherein j fee those art intangled; I will. ew.mi, tenebre y f b ver(anti,Val thee, andally that l defire of thee as, a rewardof my-pains , is but ri(Rma do- this, Hear>thou me, be attentive , or (as the ChaldeParaphraft lirina lumen renders ) receive it take it ofme 5 hee tbatffpeaks,truths ,,.de- ,Praferarr.. pe ferves tobe heard, andthat ís all Idefire Tar g o me, ImillChem tbee, hear thoume : But what will Eliphaz thew him ? Not that which he had .. phanfied, but that which he was afrured of. That which IhavePeen, Iwill declare: Seeing is a fare and particular. fence.; yet as the aft of one,. 1 nre, is often put for the ad-of another ; fo Seeing, which is the moll noble of the fenfes, is often put for all. 1hat which. 1 havefeen ; is, that which I have learned, that which I have fetched in, or collef,#ed by the help of all my fenfes ; yea, by my reason and underfianding, That do I here declare unto thee is More tlri&-ly, Seeing may be taken two ways : lira , as no- ting experience ; 1 have not onely heard force, reports about there things , but I have teen and obferved them, my fell ;- there is a ftronger conviQcion in this, becaufe the retire of fee- ing is lefs.fallible than that of hearing ; and we fa'y , One eye,, witnefs, is-better. than ten care witneffes Secondly , as I have. Certiusefl `vii feen, maybe taken for common experiences amongmen: fo for, d1iouÌsus fpecial revelation from God. Some Divine revelations were tefbo ?wore'', made in Vifions ; and all Divine Revelations were fo cleare aurito, Dcuf. and evident , thattheywere or might by called Vifioons,_as if the matter -of them had been reprefented to the eye ; and hence fuch asGodhonoured and trufted with chofeRevelati- ons werecalled Seers (a Same. 9,) He that is now called -a Própbet was before -time calleda Seer : and he was called a Seers becaufe the clearnefs ofthofe meffages and manifettations was fo great that theymight be judged as objects ofthe eye rather , thanof the care, or of the underftanding. Thus the whole Book. of the Prophetieof Ifaiah is called, <A Vifion, or a thing lien; The Vifion ofIfaiab the Prophet , which hefat, concerning acdah and jerufalem, (Chap, 1. r.) Yet the Prophet did not . receive,. ,