Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.15. 4n Expofition upon the Book of f OB. Verí~i7,' ceive all the Doét nines which he preached , and Prophefies which he publithed in that Book , by.Vifion : but the mani. fellation fromGod, was fo full of light to his understanding; that it was as if he had feen it with his eye. Some expound fo here, That which Ihavefeen ; that is, that which I have had a fpecial, revelation about. As if he referr'd to the fourth Chapter, whereEliphaz . reports to y-ob what a dread Vi- fìon he had, and what the matter of it was , even much like that which is reprefented in the following part of this.Chap- ter. A Learned Interpreter agrees , that itwas a Vifion but aj hinonvideo faith he, it was either a fained, artificial ViGun ( fuch are fre- rut improbabi. ,quent in Popery ) or it was a delufion of the Devil. .I do not 1e aut del"f"' at all admit, this latter branch of his opinion ; but I muff re- 10, eadiabo, e l the former, as 'altogether unworthy of Eliphaz, who was (o,vel ipjum 1 $ Y p , fonnium ot,- furely a manof integrity, and fearing God , and was there- quad out infpi. fore above fuch affeEted falthoods, and ftudied deceits, togain rationem corn- refpeot and credit amongmen. mentum effe,ut I (halt therefore infili upon the former fenfe , That which 1 fibs ronrilia- havefeen ; that is, by common experience tbat will I declare net aurliorira- Y , tem. sand. unto thee. Hence Obferve. Fill}, What we declare, or communicate to others, wefhouldbe well affowed of our (elves ; That which I have peen , declare I unto thee : while we declares either by wayofinftrut`lion, to teach true Dothine , orby way ofinformation, to report the truth ofaion, 'tis our duty to declare upon knowledge. So the Aponte John, in his firft EpifUe,Chp.i .1. That which was from the beginning,wbich we have heard;which we havefeenwith our eyes, which iebave lookedupon, andour bands bave handled of the word oflife , that which we have fun and heard , de- clare we untoyou : He bringsin the operations of three fenfes, Seeing, Hearing, and Feeling, as witnefí'es to avouch for, and afcertain that which he had declared ; we mutt take heedoft declaring upon furmifes, and probabilities ,upona'bare Hear- f;ay, or 'thought fo ;. That which we have clearly learned,we may teach confidently; and nothing betides that. Observe, Secondly, As we muff have a gróundfor wkat we declare to o- tbers,fo whenwe have agood ground we mull declare;that which we know,we thould make knowu ; That which I have feenI declare