Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

86 Chap.-15. AnExpofition upon the Book of JO E. VerC2o. we learn, That wicked and idolatrous perfons fhould be as Bran. gers to us; we mutt not lay fuch in our bofome, tomaintain any fpiritual fociety with them, though in fome cales,we may have civil fociety with them. ( 2 Cor.6 . i 3, t4.) Be not unequal - lyyoake.d together with unbelievers ; for what fellowfhip bath righteoufnefswith unrigbteoufnefs l andwhat communion bath light withdarknefs l andwhat concord bath thrift with Belial l There can never agree together : Let no fuch ftranger pars, or be approved among us in the fellowfhip of the Gofpel ; there is not only tin in letting fuch pats with our approbation , but danger ; and that a double danger. Both which are afiigned as reafons why we fhould come out of Babylon (Re.vel. 18.4- Pirf , we are indanger of partaking of their fins , and that both by contracting the fpot of their fins, as alto the guilt of their fins. Secondly , we are in danger of partaking of their punifh tents , as it there follows ; That ye receive not her plagues. There is no falety in being near thofe,whoare under thecurie of God : The companion of fools fhail be de/frayed (Prov.13,20.) though poflìbly he be not a fool in any other refpec , but be- caufe he is in fuch company. Fourthly, Taking it for affrange or wicked thing, Note : That, It is the honour of Magifirates,wben no evilpafeth qui- etly in their Territories : When neither Idolatry in the things of God , nor injuftice, nor oppreffion in the things of men , finde any favour with them, this is at once their duty , and their glory. Eliphaz having by way. of Preface , given proof of what he was about to preis upon Job, both from his ownexperi ence and the confent of Antiquity ; He now propofes the point it WE Verf. 20. The wicked man travels withpain alibisdays, and the number ofyears is hidden to the Oppref four. In this general Poltion , Eliphaz intends obs perfonal convif}ion, that he was wicked , whom he had heardappea- ling to God (Chap.2.10. ) Thou knoweft that Tam notwicked. As