EXPOSITION W I T H Pra6licall Obfervations CONTINUED UPON The Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twenti- eth, and twenty -one Chapters ofthe Book of JOB: BEING The Summe of.forty_two Lectures, delivered at (Magnus neare LONDON Bridge. By JOSEPH CA R. Y L, Preacher o f the Word, andPaft our of the Congregation there. Rom. IS. 4.. Whatfoeierthings were written oforetime, were written for cur learning, that we through patience and'comfort ofthe Scriptures might have hope. LO N DO N; Printed byM.simmons,and are tobe fould by Jofepb Cranford at the Sign ofthe Kings Head in Pauli' Church-yard, r6çR.
viol%Iry ir TmTfimofia acrimpriivrwraTrrvinv wrovrelpávrmv. TO THE CHRISTIAN READER. TO Thofeetpecially of this C /1` i 8: who continue the promoters of this WORK. 0 D onely wife, who caufed bis holy Word to be written afore- timefor our learningand inflru- 5lion, kath in all times appoin- ted the Minifiery ofExpounding andPreachinghis Word, that it might be the betterfittedfor inflru5ion. Thebu.. fines ofthe Expofiter(orofthepreacher expound- ing is to colle5I andgiveout thefence andmean- ingofthe Wordaright ; Thebu fines ï ofthe Prea- cher (or ofthe Expofiterpreaching)is to divide thefence andmeaning of the Word aright, gi_ A 3 wing
To the 5hriq,an Read cr.. wing to every one, that portion which is proper to him, his proper doErine, ( oftruth ) his pros per reproofe (oferror) his proper corre&ion (ofevill manners)his proper inftruó ion(about bolineffeofconverfation ) andall in righteouf. nes. While Jefus Chrift himfelfe was fulfilling his Mini, terie here on earth, he performed not onely the officeofa Preacher ( Lola. 4.. 18, r g,. 2o, &c.) but ofan Expofiter alto (Lull; 24@ 27. ) Beginningat Mofes, andall theProphets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himfelfe. The Scripture is indeed it's ownExpofiter ; darkTexts receive light fromclearer, and thofe which arefoplaine that they need no comment, are a Comment to thofe that need. But though the wont-of God (as to truthand light) be (asGod himfelfe is) felf-fuf iicienc, and carrieth in fore one or other part of it the interpretation of otherparts ;. yet as to man, there ismuch need ofan . nterpre- terfor the due accommodation ofany one part to the interpretationofanother. For the Scripture fuck an Expofiter of it's own hard Places, as it is a judgeof all hard'Queffions and Con- trover f es, arifng from, or grounded upon it ; That is to fay Mnormal not a perfonal Ex. politer.
To the Chrilhan Reader. politer. And therefore as the Father of lights, fromwhom cometh every good gift, and eve- ry perfè&t gift, bath beflowed This verygood andperfe5i gift , His holy Word upon us, fohe bathfurnifbed forre with gifts, and fent them forth as Interpreters ofit;yea, he bathfent forth his holy Spirit, who is not only (as ElihuBeaks (in this bookoffame choiceJJ iritedman) An Interpreter one among a thoufand, but the only unerring Interpreter, For as the Wordof God is the onely unerring nor mal Fxpofïter ofit felfe, fo the Holy Spirit ofGod, whom Jefus Chrif bath promifed to fend, and of whom Chriff bathPaid, He íhall take of mine and thew it unto you, is the only unerringperfonall Expo- liter of the Word : yet the Holy Spirit (as I may fay) in perfon feldome doth it, but u- fnally conveyeth the light of the Word unto man, byfuchmen as himfel febathfirf enlight . ned. There want not forte who would have the Wordfet nakedly before all, that fo every man, waiting for the light of the Holy Spirit, may make his own apprehenjion the interpretation ofit , and'tis trite, that nothing is an interpre- tation to any man beyond or befrde,r what him felfi
To the Chriftian Reader, felfe apprehends : yet the apprehenfions of this or that man may be very ferviceable unto ma- ny others ; andare often the meanes which God ufeth and bletfeth for the leading of their un- derflandings into the way bothof truth and ho- lines, Nor can they whoare thus led, be there- fore juftly charged tofee, f piritually, with other mens eyes, becaufe others have been inffrumen- tallfor the opening of their eyes, or that they fee by other mens light, becaufe others have been helpfull in bringing them from darkne f fe unto light ; nomore then they can be charged to fee, corporally, with other mens eyes, whofe eyefight bath been cured (as a fecond caufe) by the skill of maw, or, that they fee by other mens light, whofawnothing tilla windowwas opened to them. For the light which; any man brings and holds forth, becomes every mans proper light, who is enabled to receive it and feeby it. The Gofpel is held forth to Thou- fands towhomyet it is hid ; The God of this Worldhaving blinded the eyesof their minde, left the light ofthe Glorious Gofpcl ofChrift, who is the Image of God,, íhould fhineunto ( or irradiate) them, that is, fbine into them. that everyfoulmufi : have an internall eye or light
To the Chriflian Reader, lightgiven himbefore he can favingly receive that light which is externally offered him ; And whofoever thus receives the light offered, B mares that as much his owne (in his own capacity as it was the offerers. Andforafmuch as there are manyunftable and unlearned ones (fo the Apofile Peter exprefreththem, 2 Epitie 3. z 6.) who(at leafl prefuntinq tofee without, i fnot fco'ring tofee by the light whichothers offer ) wreft not only the Epif}les of Paul, in which (asthe Apofile Peter there affirmeth) are many things hard to beunderiovd, but all other Scriptures to their owndeftruaion, it cannot be reafonablyjudgedadiffervice either to Godor to his people, to endeavour (in the utmoft im- provement ofgifts and light reccived) a right interpretationofthem. And though we dare not offer our interpretations under the Title of In- fallible and fo challenge a dominion over the faith ofothers, yet we may be helpers both of theirjoy andknowledge. We are commanded to try the fpirits whether theybe of God (i Job. 4. i.) We muff not rejec°i all Spirits, becaufe poffibly many arenot ofGod. The Spirit ofGod is above all tryall;, but there are Spirits (even theSpirits orfpirituall gifts ofall men) which a muí
o theChriftian Reader, muff be fubmitted to tryall and fiand Probati- oners. Andbecaufe they are to be tryed, there-- foreitfolloweth that they are to be ufec4 . for to what purpotefhould that be tryed which is not to be ufed ? To try a thingor perfon4otto indeed fuppofe that tbere may be.a fayling in either, but it dot!) not at ali inferre, that there is no ufe ofeither, but rather that bothareufefull. Andif upon-tryall much be foundwhich is unfoundand Jo to be refuted, yet that which is foundmuft be retained. Thus the Apoftle direcrls Their. 5. 21.) Prove all' thing,. hold !a that which is good. What is prefented in the followinz Expofi lions is not the'inipoting of a fence either up- on the Word'ofGod or upon the underftandings ofmen, but an humble tender ofwhat the Expo- titer under/lauds the fence of it, to the tryall ofall. Some, I know, begin to fity, that there is, or at Lift thatAortly .there will be little or no needat all offuch poor helpes as theta : Surely it,will bethe rejoycing ofall who honour jelus Chrifl, and love his'appearinvo fee. that clay, mat, fo much beeaufe they may then take their cafe andre from thefe labours (for thought-hefer- vants'
To the Chriftian Reader, wants ofChrift through the infirmities of their iefh are oftenweariedat theirwor&,yet through theftrength ofhis Grace, theyfiallnot be weary ofit ) but becaufe when that which is imperfe51, or (as the Apoftlefjeab<e.r, i Cor. Y 3. )1 o.) in part fhall be done away, then that will be come which is perfeá. Onely my feare is thatfome arefo bufe in decrying thefe things (whichwe readily acknowledge to have many imperfe5ii.. ons in them) thatfor haft they would doe them away (in their own andothers wrong) before that which is perfe6i be come unto pm Prophe.. cy fhall ceafe andknowledge (ofthis fïze and as now attained) {hall be doneaway ; But when thefeceafe, in order to Gods appoyntmeñt, thofe weakneffesand wants in thefonnes ofmen (hall ceafe alfo, to cure andfupply whith they were appoyntcd by God. How happy andglorious a thing were it, ifwe couldfee this age approve itfelfe fuch as bad no needto be taught ? or that the fymptomes ofthe f zmefïc&ncp and impo- tents both ofjudgement and price did not nowdifcoverthemfelve: asfirmer* ? H9772 ma- ny are there who fjéake much of the holy -and blcßed Spirit ( concer ìing rrh Um we can neither ffeake nor boat too much) who yet walke of a^ ter
To theChrinianReader. ter the fie,fh ? How many difcaurfe.high...f.con, cerning which allour .dzfcourfes fall too low ) ofthofenew Heavens, and of that. new Earth, wherein dwell(th righteonfneire,, whoyet defile andpollute the oldwith their unrighteoufneffe ? Wherealmo.fi can we behold he Image of that Glory, which we jbould continually Waite for, [lampt upon the waycs ofmen .? And while the agingsofmen are, every where, thy/J low and earth!y;cloth the age look like that which is ei- ther aguallyabove or bath neer out-grown :tea, thing ? As for my felfe, Idefire AmidHive. to that clay- ) whenmy Lord andMailer cometh, to befoundThus doing, It is dangerous to lay down or departfrom the pra5ice of known dit- ties, upon the expegation offurther priviled- ges, Or tofay, we need not now doe that which fbortly (poply veryfbortly ) we'ball need tas doe no more Eachftate bath its proper rules and helps, and to themwe mullfubìnit, till we are removed ont offuch.afrate, 'Tis no wifdome for, adim-fighted manfl prefently, to throw away his SpeCiacles, thoughhe be affured that ,within a, whilehis eye-fightJhall be cleared, Chriftian Reader, let youandIbe, not onely content edbut,thankefull that wemay behold the. Glory
TO the Chrit}ian Reader. Gloryof theLord in thefe Glaffes, till himfelf lead uc into his Gloty,andgiveus, the top(tone ofall perfeEiions, to feeFace to Face, TheFur- therance of in the way to this Glory is the Defgnofthis wor(,_which nowby the affiance ofGod is advancedhalf way ; as for the other halfe (feeing no man can boaft ofto morrow, or knoweth whataday may bring forth) I canonly fay, that it is in my heart, if the Lord continue life andftrength with the call hitherto afoarded, toadvancewith whatfpeed 1 can(t .hough I con- feffe the heft of my _timed is but ftownefr towards thefznifbing ofthat alfo. The travel/ ofthis f xth Stage I leave withyou, and both you and it to thebleng andunder thefhadowof the Almighty, in Whom Iam The 3d of the i 1th Moneth common ly called ?aruary. 65 z. Yours affèaintzately the-=.workeof the LA(.?, JOsE7_F1 CARYL.<
Chap. i8.. VerC'i. dP4á°á:01.yyNM04yysryy +w4444ytr4ry44Y14v'e 71i'í1:7F'91.a.ai1;f °ao4 °?rA,YF'^bi°0Y.0 .", .1<: 1.4-1 <;,f, s e s,4445 t;t <0 <f4i4-44(tt:«44t A N EXPOSITION V 7) 0 21C The Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-fire Chapters of theBook O F J O B. J o B. Chap. ' 8. Verf. 1, 2, 3 4. Zhen anfwered Bildad the shuhite, andPaid How long will it be, ereyou make an end of word. and afterwards we will (peak ti herefore are we counted as Bealls 5 and reputed vile in yourfight? He tear th him/elfin his anger :fhall the earthbeforfa/¿en for thee ? andfhall the rockbe removedout ofhisplace? L I P H A z having finifhed, Bildad begins a fecond Difpute with fob ; Then anfwered Bildad theShuhite, andPaid. Yet he rather reproves then anfwers,and returns inve$ives more then reafons. Bildad ftrikes here again upon the fame Bone, at which himfelf and his friends had flumbled before. His whole difcourfe falls into three parts. Fink Wehave his Preface. Secondly, The body ofhis fpeech. B Thirdly,
rl 2 Chap. i8, e/rn expofition upon the Bookof J o a. Verf: s Thirdly, He winds up, and drawes all together into a brief Conclufion. His Preface is laid downe in the foure former Verfes of this Chapter. Thebody of his difcourfe extends ;t felfe from the 5 h Verfe inclufively to the end of the loth , in which his generali (cope is to defcribe the.miferable condition ofa wicked man: And he Both it under a three-fold Confideration, as a three-fold grades Pionofhis mifery. PHI, In his life. Secondly, In his death. Thirdly, After death. So that living, dying, and dead, he is miferablee, and therefore altogether miferable. The Conclufionof his difcourfe is contained in theTaft Verfe, . in which he gives us.the flrength of what he had Paid, and re affirmes it; Surely fuch are the dwellings of the wicked, and this is the place of him that knoweth not god. His generali defigne and fcope is to convince -ob that he was awicked man, becaufe he fuffered thofe things which none but a wicked man (according rn his opinion) ever did, or fhould Novahicnu.Tiar r'or the proofe of this,he proceeds in his former me- ErTatte ,f11/eg0!77J & mod, bringing nothing new for the matter, no new Argument, Metaphoric il- no new mediarn, either to confirme his owne Pofition, or to in- luftribus impre- firme the opinion of fob ; but cloathing his former Reafons in b®,um dodos o- anew dreffe, he gives us a very lively and pathetical! defcrip -. cuasiubijciens. tion of the eitate of a wicked man ; upon which fubje& he had Drier1 treated in the eighth Chapter. Onely two differences appeare between this and his fitti difcourfe. Firfi, At the8th Chapter he lets out the happineffe ofagod-. ly man inoppofition to the miferable eflate ofthe wicked; here, he leaves out that part. Secondly, At die 8 ' Chapter he ufeth many Arguments to move 'ob to repent, and turne to God. He leaves out that work alfó here, not fò Much' as once mentioning repentance, or ex- horting him to returneto God ; as if he either thought it too late, or that Yob's obílinacy was remedihf%, and thewound both ofhis outward and inward (late incurable. The firfl part or Preface is fpent inreproofe, anti we mayob- ferve
Chap. z 8. efin Expofition upon the Book, of Jo B. Verf. z. ferve five things for which Bildad reproveth Yob. Firft , He reproveth him for wording it , or for talkative- neffe, at the beginningofthe fecond V erfe ; How long will it be ereyou make an endof words ? Secondly, He reproveth him of inadvertency, and carelefnes, in the middleof the fecond verle ; c ilifarke, &c. As if he had laid, You have been heedleffe all this while, you have net well attended what wehave been about ; eítifark, and afterwards we will[peak. Thirdly , He chargeth him with contemptuous thoughts , and an irreverent eftimationòfhis friends (Vref. 3.) wherefore arewe counted auBeafts,and reputedvile inyourfigrst ? Thou haft not onely numbred us with, but below the lotvdt of the people. Thoueither lookeft upon us as if we had forfeited our reafün, And were not men, or had loft our integrity, and fo were the wort' of men. Fourthly, He chargeth himwith fury and impatience, in the beginning of theof4tnVerfe; He tearethhi,nfelfe in his anger; As it he had laid ; ells thou haft torne our reputation, fo thy ovine peace ; thaw art uncivil' to us, and a torture to thy Pelfe. Firthiy, He chargeth him with infolency and boldneffe to- wards God himfelfe, in the latter part of the 4,11 Verfe ; Shall the earth beforfak;n for thee, andJhall the rock, be removed out of his place ? What 1 muff God work wonders, and turr,e the world upfide downe for your fake ? Doeft thou think thy felfe a man fo extraordinary, that the ordinary providences and difpenfations ofGod will not ferve thy turne ? Shall the earth be forfaken for thee ? &c. Thefe are the fteps of73i/dads angry addreffe to rob ; Then 7nfweredBildad the Shuhite, andfail. Verf. 2. How long will it be ereyoumake an endofwords ? &c. There is fame variety of conje&ure who is here intended, or to whomBitiad dire&s his fpeech. For the.Originall is plurali, as if he were not fpeaking to a fingle perfon, but to a multitude; How long will it be ereye make an endofwords ? And it is queftioned upon that ground, whether Bildad fpake to 7rb alone, or no. Firft, Some conceive, that Bildeds difcourle aimes at 70-6, in con ort with Eliphaz, who fpake before, as ifBildadhad been angry with them both ; becaufe Eliphaz and he holding out fo B z long 3
Chap z8, e.ßä Fxpefetion upan the Bock of JO B. Verf.2 Song a difpute, had hindred him from unburdening his minde, and offering his opinion : Flow long will it be ereyee makean end 'ofwords ? As ifhe had laid, Willyöu two have all the talke, Jball not Iandmy Brother befufferedtofpeakourjudgements ? How long will it be ? Thn§ he is fhppofed to grow angry, not onely with icb, but with his friend. Secondly, Others think that Bildadfpake onely to his friends and companions in that difpute, and not to Tob,at all; as if he had altogether diflkect the courfe which they had taken for lob's convi&ion; How long will it-be ereye make an end of words ? As ifhehad faid, Tee have not hit the poynt, norfítated the queflion right,yee doe butfpeake words allthis while, ye are not yet upon impsden ia, .Mirordevfha thematter. Othersmake it out thus,whj doeyouwrongyourfelves quod cumper fò much, and difparageyourwifedome to talke withlocha man as f'icuum fit, yea this yob is ? .4 man offo little reafon, and of fo much pallor ; es mventum ver- man fo obdurate in, andaddiEted to his ownway ; a manfo high in ba proferre andflitfeto his Droneconceit : `Doeyee not perceive thatyr, labour in !tares , vaine that your words eri into are and leaveno im re tons up- roe '" p yr , P .lf cesvicia fe- on this hardned man?both he not calkyour counfels behind hisback, tisfacere cona- and refute allyour advice, ?"therefore beyeadvifed, giveover,make. mrai. Bold. an end ofwords. Which way foever we take it, whether Bildad freak to yob in confort- withEliphaz, or ()only tohis friends, the heat ofhis fpirit breaks out at his lips. And hisowne words pro.. claim, ifnor-hispride, yet his impatience, ,while he faith, How, long will it be ere¿ee make an end ofwords ?' Hence Note. Long 'difputes kindle pafons. In. thofe a0s.,wherein reafon fhould doe all;pafíion would' doe mofì andcommonly doth toomuch; hence, inftead ofar- guing we fall to inveighing, and for reali convic`fions give perfonall = provocations. Moil; are fo immoderate in difputati- on, that they need a moderatour, as much to quiet their fpi rits, as to Bate their queftions and opinions. Solomon tells -us. (Troy. 27. 17. ), that, As Iron fharpenethIron,fo-a manJharpe- nob the countenance of his.friend. When we whet one Iron upon another, the edge groves keen ; thus a man fharpeneth the coun- tenance ofhis friend. The word that we tranflate countenance, %gnifies .alto anger, or paffion; becaufe,_anger quickly appears ate
Chap. 18. afin exp°fition upon the Book of J o B. Verf.z. 5 in the face or countenance. Hence force render the Proverb, .4s Iron fharpeneth Iron,fe a manfharpeneth theanger ofhisfriend. He ítirres up his paiiîon, till he growes as keen as aknife, yea, as a razor : Oppofition fharpeneth the fpirit, and forne have been fo fharpened'by it, that theyhave come telharps indeed, and when they have long contented by words, have fallen to blowes. This carries a faire fence, yet conceive thatdeareft, which reftraines thefe words to the perlon of 706 alone. But then the 'Oszære will be why he fpeaks in the Plurall number, Hew long will it be ereyee make an endofwords ? Some anfwer, Bildad fpeaks to ycb in the Plural! number, for Honoris gram,. honours fake, and in reverence to his perlon. I' find very little Cajec. realen for that, confidering he (peaks ofhim at fo low arateall the Chapter over. Secondly, One of the Ancients tells us, Bildad fpake in the Plurali number, becaufe he thought 7o6 was poí%lt with an Pravo fpirir evil! fpirit ; That evil) fpirit in the Gofpel, being asked his can Torus. name, anfwered, It is Legion, for we are many: Had ?cb been Bed. poffeffed with an evill fpirit, he might well have been fpoken to as many : I am fure, as more then a good many; But I paffe that. Thirdly, It is conceived that Bildad fpeaks Plurally, becaufe lob had his aflìtlants, feconds , and abettors in that difpute who did fomet roes put in a word, and helpe him at a dead. lift. Fourthly, I conclude, that he fpeakes to 7á/i alone, in a .Quad ctim j°to. Word of the Plural! number, according to the common and Jobs diputaus familiar ufage or idiom of the Jewifh Language, rather then room appeller from any fpeciall refpe& intended to his perfon, or the plura. "u'1e'° úr lity of his Aflittants ; How long will it it ere you make an endof a,, familia, e,n words ? lingua Hebras The mater of this first claufe, hath been opened upon thole confuerudinem, words of 7ophar (Chap. I I. 2, 3. ) Should not the multitude t'`'am ad illiur ofwords be anfwered ? and fhéuld amanfull oftalky be jr: (lifaed ? E'one it grave a'fyuo! mrave Where 'twas (hewed, that words without matter, ayerv, empty turn refe;en. difcourfes are very burdenfome to an underftandiug care : How, dun elf. long will it be ereyou male an endoy words ? There is the firit Pined. charge, talkativenefle or unprofitableneffe in his fpeech. Hts fecund.. charge- is carelefneffe, and negledt of what his friends r
ii 6 Chap. 18. en expofation upon the Bookof Jo B. friends were about to fpeak, or had formerly fpoken. (Mark, and afterwards we will fpeake. nfruire ut jo. Some interpret it ironically, as calling for his direction, not flea loquarn.ur. as defiring his attention ; Inftruft ass, and then we will (peak, As .quodan to nobis ifhe íhould fay, Tes, doc, preferibe to au what weJhallfay,put mat- loquendiforma- ter into our heads andwords into our mouths you were be take, las pcsfcribis? ' y ne, quicgaam uponyou tobe our Teacher,and112after, as ifnothing could be right, reEfe down vat that whichyou direït. But the word which we tranflate to .ceofebirx. n f mark, doth not intend dire&ion to others, but attention in ot:r tuid probave- lelves; and not fo much the attention of the eare, as óf the try. °f nificar nilnde, and heart, when the foule as it were fits upon a bufi- pro,riè inrr,n- .neffe, with it's whole ftrength, and puts out all its powers, to Jens, mente what it is about : Vnderfiand, or mark, and afterwards we confilerare, d. wül"peak,. Now as the former claufe was interpreted, either in animum ce to chrofr me in. reference to the friends of706, or to 7,b himfelfe, fo is this ado. tendere. hIcrc. They who expound Bildad in the former part reproving his friends, give the fenfe thus : Mark, andofteswards we mill apeak, As ifhe had laid, b my friends, cea/e to utteryour thoughts incen- faderately, fpeakyo longer what comes next, but nark , fat down,and confider whatyou have tofay, let us mark, and afterwards we will fpeake. Thus he reproves their rafhneffe, .se not havingattended their owne defigne, nor the intendment of Job in his foregoing an- fwers. Elihee s zeale breaks out into fuch language both againft yob and his three friends(Ch. 32. 3.) Then w.0 kindled thewrath ofElihu thefon ofBarachel the Bu- ite, ofthe kindredofRam : a- gainft yob w.0 his wrathkindled, becaufehejt.fltfied hitnfelfe rather then cod. Alf° againft hi/three friends was lots wrath kindled, be- .Quis {it d (pu caufe they badfound no anfwer, and yet had condemned Job. Job's ma ;Ionic cado friends found many anfwers, yet Elihu faith, they had found no non faris arren anfwer; their anfwers were not judicious, or convincing (as he dims. conceived) they did not hit thehing of the controverfie : Such anfwers are no anfwers, unleffe we anfwer to purpofe, we anfwer not at all. In which fenfe C'aiphzs reproves the Af embly ofthe Pharifees ( John z 49. ) when they fate in Counfell againit Chrift, and took into confideration what was belt to doe with him, whohad done fo many miracles ; Top! know nothingat all, nor confider that it is expedient that one manfhould from Verf.2
Chap. 18. zs4n ^ b. Verf.2. 7 Froni this Expolkion ( taking the Text as referring, to all his friends,) Ohferve. ’Deliberate confideration mufl got before.fpedking. We fhould firft. mark, and afterward fpeak. Every word fhould flay a while in the heart, before it come at the tongue. So, nature Teenies to dictate; who ( as we fee antheiabrick of the’body,) hath feated the tongue, and the heart at a great di- ftance, that fo we might take time to mould our words in our thoughts , and meditate our felves before we advife others. And leaft the tongue ( as Naturalifh alfo obferve).fhould be too nimble at its work, it hath a double hedge, or wall, one or teeth, another oflips to keepit In.:The Apoftle fames( Ch.i.i9.)gives this counfell; Befwiftto heare, andflowtojpeake-Some flowneffe of fpeaking is no impediment; but the ornament of fpeech. There is an uncomely flowneffe of fpeech, fuch asCMofes complainedof ( Exod. 4 .1o. ) ISome have hearts and heads full of rich and rare commodities, who yet want utterance.. But it is- not onely a duty, but our commendation to have a copy of our' words, fairlywritten In onr hearts, beforewe utter themat our. jmewgisq tongues. Job', hinc-tuif Agaipe, As thefe words are applied to Job, tJWark_, and then refponfmibus memill/peak.; As ifhe had faid; Ofob,weare not at all nonorwe/lattendedbj thee ■, nowdoethy part, andwewill doeonrs. M Ohferve; tms, almdtH It is in vaine to fpeake till men heareandcompofe themfehjes reipotuks. to nnderjlandi , ! • IERH& I Who would fpeak to himtliat. hath no eares, or.to him- that hath not an attentive eare?;While wefpeak ,td fuch, we doe but^ * tell Stories to a deafeman. He that hath an eare, mull have a heartbhis eare; wife he-heareth not. Somefleep; at the Word- with their eyes open, they fleepe with a klndehfattent pn thpughthey heare all, yet they, markdittle, andidoe nothing of that which they have,heard Such; when the Sermon is ended, maytell you fomewhatoftheir owne waking dreame, but they cannot tell you a word, to purpofe, of the moft'working do- drine. The Apoftle exhorts to attend after-we. have heard; ( Heb. 2 .1. ) which (hewes a double attention; fifft,;an attention while we heare ; fecondly,, an: attention to what we .have heard].
B Chap. 18. e.4.4 expafition upon the `Book, of Jon. Veri 3 heard. It is in vaine to (peak, if there be not both thefe atten- tions Therefore we ought to give themo.fi. earnelZ heed, or to mark, the things that we have heard. Now, if we mutt mark the things that we have heard, furely we mutt mark things as we heave them : If the mitre the ñrít, we can never reach the latter ; ifwe 'doe not mark as we Beare, we cannot mark the things that we have heard, that is, confider, and enter into a due meditation ofthem. Marking is properly a work within ; hearing is a work .e ithout. ThePfalmift (Pfal. 48. 13. ) calls us tomark -the Bulwarks ofZ ion : Tell the Towers thereof , rnarkyee well her Bulwark!. The phrafe is very fignificant, Putyour hearts upon her Bulwarks; fo theHebrew. Now asyou are to mark the Towers and Bulwarks ofZion, by putting your hearts upon her Bulwarks, that is, by confdering how manydefences God hath for Zionand 7erufalem, howmanywayes ofprotedtion he bath for his people; this is the putting of ourhearts uponZi- ens Bulwarks. Thus we ought to put our hearts upon the word ofGod, the voyce that founds in Zion This is our marking it. Every 1vlinifter may fay to his hearers, as Bildad to yob, cí`Ylark, and then we will fpenke. Words exciting attention, are as prof- - table, as words giving infruftion and exhortation. This is the fecond fault hechargeth 766 with, An un-attentive fpirit,to what was fpoken. The third is; Verf. 3. wherefore are we accounted as Bealls, and reputed vile inyour fight ? wherefore are we accountedas Beafls ? G1z.le Here Bildad chargeth himwith evill fpeaking, and with pride, rit bz ham vo as -if he had looked upon them as Beafts, and that he onely was camus ho et- the man. We proverbially call a man that is either very ftupid, nein (tupido n .or very wicked, a Beaft. ('Pfi;l. 49. 21.) clan that ù in ho- uf. nour, and underflandethnot, io like the Reafle that peri/7i. He that wants underftanding, is (as a Beaft) ruled by affec`}ions, and paffìons : wherefore are we accoounted:asBeafls ? TheHebrew is fingular, wherefore are we accounted a Beat Before thee ? The wordBehemah is here ofed, why are we accoun- ted a Behemah, or Beaft before thee As ifall we did make but one Beaft ; or had neither reafon in us to judge, nor ability to Beak, which two diftinguiffaman from a Beaft, But
Chap. i 8. e f n expoRion upon the Tookof Jo z. Verf. 3., 9 But why doth Bildad tax yob with Inch uncomely language as this ? Did he ever call them Beaffs ? lob never fpake thus di- redly, but he did obliquely and equivalently, while he bids them (Chap. 1 z. 7.) eflske now the Beafts, and they /hall teach thee, andthe fowles ofthe aire, and they fhall tell thee ;; TheMailer is above the Scholler, and he that teacheth, above him that is taught.Hence, while yob fends his friends to Schoole to the hearts, he fecretly taxeth themas more ignorant thenBeats. He feemes to fpakk this out ( (hap. 17.4.) Thou haft hid their heart from underftanding. And againe (verf. io.) But asforyouall, doe yea retarae, and come, for Ihave not found one wife man amongyou. A Company which bath not a wife clan among them, may got for beafls, andwill hardly be kept from doing like beafts. From thefe or the like fpeeches,Bildad raifeth this charge; wherefore ,ore we accountedBeafs before thee ? But though yob fpake thus, yet he did it not with a reproach- ing fpirit, but onely (in beate of difpute) to thew how they were miffaken : And as for Bildad, who makes this harfh con- ffruftion, he fhould have confidered what wordshe had given, as well as what he had received; he fhould have beenpatient in taking ¡nil reprehenfions, who had given thofe which were unjuff. Now in that Bildad is netled at this, and takes it fohainoufly, whereforeare we accounted as Beafis ? Obferve : There is nothing that men can hardlier part with then their eleeme; and that which fiicke molt with them is to be un- dervalued in the efteeme of their parts and gifts. Some account it a kindeof happineffe, and are well content- ed to be undervalued in their outward eftates, they make force advantage of that undervaluing ; They had rather be, then be accounted rich ; but few love to be undervalued in their inward tfate, and force had rather be accounted wife and learned, then take paines to be fo. He efpecially that beares himfelfe up upon the reputationofhis parts, cannot beare it, to be rec- koned for leffe then he carts up himfelfe; he cannot endure to be low in the eyes of others, who is high in his owne. And in- deed to fe undervalued is a very great tryall. Hence we fee the infinite f lf-deniall of our Lord Jefis Chriff, who made himfelfe C
C&ap. iS , os4 n Sxfcfitiori uptn, 'the ’Sn-k.of J o m - ^ erfo h 1 p W j f a j f a no7regard for hovviiKle he wasreck- ondci • Thoughibe-ve.ts intheform ofgo;dy andthought it norob- . ^ 5 !ficqwti-vith god, jet heemptiedhimfeife,cm&appeared in Cl!e/g aT n e f4 d l^ flpQken with an intent to yilifi?his friends, thischargehad cortsejuftiyagaitift h im .: Hence O b s e r v e i V K^stof fla fe ’SJf T~oUndervalueothers,,and toptst upon themtermerofaptlmpt,- ■ mt 'onelfuntimely,bmfrfuU-. v , ■ B 1 G h# takes^noticeofthis . ( Afcr. f-22,j.asa great breach -of the lawof loveWholoeyer B ‘*Yw-his brother g fjggg ( that is w i t l e f f e , brainlefle, etnptyhead a one g- - nifieth j he that thusvilifies.his brother, (hall B «. Council!; ’flI'1‘l F g * ^ f f " ' a iW T W T H C T T ■ It is^a great Xolly to affe.ft the name pi wife,, and underttandi„j! as S chargeth thePharifees ( Mat.,23 8.) Zfrnotj K f l i 3 1 S 3 m tU tv e nC h r if anpee^nMrem.. I The Pharifeeswereambitious oftitles, and loved tobe applauded,, and povnted at, 'as the onely wife men, as the bracks of the timesP Now'as it isavanity to atfeft. (uch an opinionof our Pelves fo it isfinfull to afperfeany man or to blot him (un- defervedly ) out of the good opinionof others. And because we are apt b run into extreames, fometimes to account men as Beafts andfometimes to account themmore thenmen, therefore Ghriftcorre&s that humour alfo (verf. 9.) ({fad no manfather onearth,for oneisyourfather infeavenc Bptmuff we efteemall, menalikeMs it notunder aCommand; Honour thy father and* thymother? And ishot this true,:, asofnaturall,parents, fo ofCivil?* Howthen doth M M H d mapfather ; feeing t® call anyman father, isbut to give himhonour, andweare ob- ligedby theLetter ofthe. Law, to honour everymanwho isour father? The meaning then of this prohibition, (fall nomanfa- theK% give no mad power over your judgements or .codci- ences, fucfaasthe father hath over the perfonof hisChild. The Apoftkdehorts*Saints ( Efhef. 4.) Be m as Children carried about witheverymnd ofdofrine. AChild is apt to receive every, impreffion, ortothinke this or that fo, becaufehis father faith i t : 'The reafcn andAuthority of a father, will'carry andfway aGhiid'which'way he ,pleafetbJyI» that fenct, (fall nowanfa-
Clap. ì8. efln expo ition apes the Book, of J o is. v'erf. '3. ther, honour no man fo much, be not (laves to the opinions of others. As among the Papifts, Fryers are to their luperiours, or fathers ; to queftion whofe commands is a high prefumpti- on -, to aske a reafon, curiofity, to difobey, breach of vow : Their words mull Eland for a Law, their opinions for Oracles ; thùs Call no man father. Now as we mutt take heed of that ex- treant, not to call men fathers, as ifwe were to live upon their au- thority : So take heed (on theother fide) of [lighting men; of accounting tnen Beafts, of undervaluing them, and trampling them under feet, both are equally to be avoyded; give every man his due; neitherhave the perlons of men (as 7asde fpeaks, verf. 16. ) in admiration, by reafonofadvantage ; neither have the perfon of any man in contempt, that may be, both to your owne, and to' his difadvantager wherefore are we accounted as Beat s before thee ? eAnd reputed vile inyour fight. The word which weTranflate vile, path a double fignificati- A rod on, according to a two-fold root whence it may be derived. oGtura:u,, ccna Some derive it from a root which fï gnifieth to /hut up, to dole, ctu,úr, abfcon to hide, to obfcure a thing. And hence fome ofthe ancientRab- ditus fuit. bins, as alto late Hebricians, render this part of theverle, not R. Mores, & why are we reputed vile in yourfight ? but, why are we Phut up R. David. inyour fight ? The meaning is, why are we reputed as menwhole form, ln,catit underitandings are locked up, and whole minds are doled ; as if vertri, : dicitur a cover were put upon them ; oras ifwe were hood-winckt ? So. atern mete it fuites well with the former claufe; why are we accounted as pre ternbabel b'eaf$s ? and, why are r. e reputedas men whole underfandings ctaufam ne poi.- are(hut up ? They whole underflandings are either Phut up, or jr dare res rn departed from them, may without any great difparagement be tueri. Humbled amongLeaits. This allo anfaers what ?ob fpake ofhis friends ( Chap. i7. 4. ) This haft hid their hearts from under- fl-ar<diog, therefore (halt thou not exalt their. There is a [late, or fort of men, whole hearts are locked up, and hid. The Apoitle affirmes it of the ?ewes in general], `when Moles it read, to this day there it a vaile before their eyes. That ise -upon their hearts,their hearts are [hut up.And fo (Thrift (Mat.13. 15.) defcribes themfrom the Prophet Isaiah; This peoples heart is waxen gref'e, and their eures dull ofhearing,und their eyes (That the C
z:a Chap. r8'. expofition open the Book. cf J o B. Verf.3 the eyes of their underftarding ) have they tided. The harafter of a naturali man is thus given by the Apoftle ( Ephe.4. i 8. ) Having their e nd, rflanding darkned, or blinded. This is a good fenfe here ; wherefore are we reputed as noon, wholeunderftandings are darhvued, andwhole minds areblocked -up ? ptoro tam:. But rather fecondly, the word Tama, fgnifies defiled., un- nat.ir P'tá'Ns clean, or impure; Gramarians tell us, that from this-`Hebrew h;st lane; a "" word Tama,: the Latines have the word Yamino which iswfed reperutat trur.i- no qusa tamu, onely in compofi tion, Contamino, to defile, or pollute., And the In coolpopone word fignifies, not any kinde of defilement, or filthineffe, but utuntus coma. that which is molt fordid, and excrementitious, molt vile, and ryerno. Averse. foule, asappears from the Ceremonial! Law, Levit. i . 2. fulitie étefam Some conceive than lob carries on the fenfe of this with the !urrtiemFra fe fert a cuis3! former c.laufe ; weare accounted as Bees, and reputed' unclean radtu tanqua,n before thee : That is, as unclean Beafts, and that under a two-fold are abfmrnabl- notion. Either firft as Beafts that lye in their dung; and 'filth, as preeclit s; e let Swine, and flailed Oxen, &c. Or lecondly, as Beafts legally un p clean: In the. Ceremonial! Law, Beafts are divided into.clean Levin r5. z, and unclean : Some. were clean, and they were for Sacrifice; others were unclean, and they might not be offered inSacrifice. Taking theText under this Interpretation, it carries the greateft diminution of the credite, and goodneffeofhis friends, as if he had reckonedthem, not onely among, but below manyBeafts. But I fuppofe we need not lye up the fenfe to the exacftneffe of that allufion, _ Bildads fcope being onely tocomplaine ofYob's unfriendly cenfureofhim; and his fiends, as if they had b;en . not onely. ignorant in matters of doctrine, as Beafts, but alfo finfull and unholy in matters of pra. ice,, as the worft of men whereforeare we reputed vile inyour fight ? Now feeing the fame-word liignifies polluted and vile too.. Obferve ; every thing and which is defiled and polluted with fin,, is alto vile. Bafeneffe bath pollution in it , either morali or naturali He is not vile, who islowin birth or low in 'el4ate , but in Scripture-Bile, the vile perfon.is.the wicked perfon , the perfon polluted with fin. (`I?fal. 15. 4. ) In whole eyes a vileperfon Le contemned. This vile perfon is not the pooreman, but the wicked an In which fenfe the.Prophet Danielforetells ( Dän.i i.zi.) rhata
Chap. 18, Q..rfn expoftion upon the 73oob,, of J o B. Verf 3. That therefhalifarad up in his efiate a vile perfn. This vile per fon was a man in honour, a great King, who is there called vile, becaufe he was a wicked Ting, a Perfecutor of the people of God : Wickednefiè obfc::res all our greatnetfe ; nothing makes us truly honourable but grace ; and nothing mikesus truly vile but fin : What fin Both, that it is ; if fin make a perfon vile, then fin in it f lte is molt vile. We are ufually more troubled at the effefts, then at the nature of !in : But we flïould chiefly -look to the natureof things. Sin it felfeíf fo vile, that whatfo- ever is vile, is but enough to bè. the fbadow ofit, it Both not re- alli.ze the vileneffe of it. As grace is fo excellent that all the excellencies in;the Crea- ture are gathered together to (hallow- out what that is, (. Ezek, 16.) I cloathed thee pith br,ydered work:, and flood thee with badgers skins, anddecked theewith fine linnen, and I coveredthee with fill. Idecked thee alfo with Ornaments, and I pat bracelets upon thine hands,r and a chaine on thy neck; And. Iput a 7ewell on thyforehead, and ear-rings in thine cares, and a beautiful' ,Crowne- upon thine head. Here's a colle6tion.of the molt excellent and precious things in the world. Andwhat are thefe ? the thadowes onely ofthat grace which the Lord puts upon his people when he bath taken them into Covenant with himfelfe : (verf8.) Then was the time oflove, andI fware to thee, and aoszred into Covenant' with thee, faith the Lord, and thoubecamef mine. Gold, and pre- cious flones, (hadow theRate ofthe Church of Chri(l in the pu- reft times, when abundanceof grace and fpirit (hall be powred out,Rev.zl. On the otherfide, when the holy Ghoft would (hew what fin is, all the filthineffe in the world is fcraped and throwne together to doe it : While the Prophet defcribes the hate of a man in nature, he iscompared to an Infant in blood, and pollati_. on,unwafbed,unbound up. (Ezek; 16..4.) The Apoftle gives us a like Character ofa naturali man, ( Rom. 3. 13. ) His throat isan openfepulchre : That which ftreams out of his heart by his tongue, and voyce, is nothingbut rottenneffe, and an unfavou-- ry flench, even as out of a fepulchre. The Prophet Ezekiel, ( Chap. zz. 18. ) compares that people in their wickedneffe to dro%; Son of man, the houfe ofIfrael is become to me drof e ; all they are Brafe, and Tynne, and Iron, and Lead in the middeft ofthe furnace; they, are even the drofe offilver, pr reprobateflver,Jer.6; z.80. 13
Chap. 18. e.":14 expofiticn upon the Bcc cf J o B. Verf.4 28. And-which is worfe then this, the farce Prophet ( Ezek;z4. I o, I I ) compares their corruptions to the fcum ofa pot ; Heap up wood, faradHet it empty upon the coales thereof, that thebrae of it may be hot, andwm y burne, and theftlthinef fe ofit may be molten in it, and thefcum alit may be confumed. Scum is the filthineffe of the pot; fin is the filthinefe ofthe heart and hie. rapietu aci- Verf. 4. He team?) himfelfe in his anger, &c. warn twain. Hob. The Hebrewmay be rendred by an exclamation, O thou who O tu, heus ru tearef thyfelfe, or, O thou tearer of thyfelfe in anger.jball the earth qua teápfurn irae beforfake,nfor thee ? So Val. 113. 7. He rayfeth up the paare coot dátartat ft- o f the daft or, O thou that ra up the oore. out o the du Read rye wore. hterc. ß'fe P p .Ì .Ìt. a likeconf'rufion in the Prophecy ofObad, v. 3. We render,, He 7obz4m acntf t teareth himfelfe. The word fignifieth to teare after the manner iron tanrutn tra` ofwilde beat's, to teare as a Lyon tares. Thus Bildad concei- ved yob enraged againft himfelfe, asa Beat' ; anger havingmatte- nab;d:fa.c Y;r, rind his underfianding, and palín overfet his reafon. He teareth Teretur apees- himfelfe. The Moraliil defcribes an angry man forcibly heldby, ¡tits & r'''3arr.r his friends, and they begging of him to be kinde tohimfelfe ; he ut ipfe fibi pia bites his own lips, he -rends his eloaths, and dafheth himfelfe la ebur ma stet againft the Pillars ; yet all anger is not thus angry : There are caput quajet, diverfe forts ofanger. vefi menta.ctc Firíl, There is an anger with our felves, which is good and dit to le in co commendable ; here Bildad rebukes yob for felf-anger; and 6umttar im¡ár.- therefore he fuppofed fob's felf-anger was not good. We are of- zit. sun, teneft out, while we are angry with others, but wema} Toone be out while we are angry with our felves.. Self-anger is good, when we are angry withour feives, either becaufe we have done that which is ill, or havenot done fo'much good, or good not fo as we might. The Apoftle numbersthis among the effects of that godlyforrors which works repentance untofalvation, not to be repented of : Indignation and revenge are both the births d anger; both thefe are numbred among the effectsofGodly for row, 2 car. 7. i I. Indignation agalnft others is fe'dome with- out fin ; and revenge, in our own caufe upon others, is ever fin- full Thefe areto be repented of, and therefore they cannot be the effe&s of true repentance. 'Twas then indignation and re- venge upon themfelves becaufe they,.had .doneeill, which the ?1, polite obferved and commended as good in thofe Corinthians. Second-
Chap. z 8. e n expofition upon the Took, of J o a. Vert.4. 15 Secondly, There is an anger withothers, which isAlf° good. Ir isa duty to be angry, when we fee others ac`i againft or de- part from their duty ; He bathno reale for God, who, on this ground, cannot he angry with man. And while the anger of man waxes hot, purely, upon this account, the Spirit ofGod is the fire winch boyles it up'. We are angry for Gods fake, when we areangry hecaufe God is difhonoured. This is a grave, ferr- ous, a vertuous, and a holyanger; while the Apoítle gives a reftria ion to fon e anger ( I phe . h- z6. )` he gives not onely a. permiflion, but a command for this. Thirdly, There is a pettifh, or foolifh anger.; when we are angry with we know not. what, and angry, weknow not why, angry with thofe things which cannot iptend.us hurt; lome..are angry with the !lone they fiumble at, with the raine that wets them, with the winde that blower upon them; iftheybe not hu- mor'd, they are angred. 7onar was angry when he fawa Gourd withered, and a great City not deflroyed. Fourthly, There is aridiculous cowardly anger, like that ofa whelp, or curre, who barks, but runs away. As force are more afraid thenhurt, foothers are fo much afraid, that youneed not fearthey will doe you any hurt. Their anger is buta blufter, and- evaporates into words. Fifthly, There is a flow, wrathful!, revengeful! anger; an anger which is fleeped in malice ; a fevere tough anger ; an an- ger, the c®ales whereof are raked up in the afhes of a feerning forgetfulineffe, but with an intendment tobreake out into acon- - fuming flame. Such was that of Efau againft his brother 7acob, when he laid ;The dayesofmourningfor myfather will come Jhort-- ly, and then will I flay my brother. Father and brotherfhould have hadbut one Funerali, if the refolves of his revengeful! fpirit: had not-layne croffe to the counfell of God.. Sixthly, There is a vehement paílìonate furious anger,a raging anger, both towards others and ow felves; with which Bildad here chargeth lob. Hetearethhirnfelte in his anger. This anger, though in a reafonable Creature, yet is unrea- fonable ; it,knowes no bounds, nor Both it :keepe any. Grama Zanch. in' rians fay, that ira the Latineword for anger, comes from ire, which lignifies to goe and they give the reafon, becaufe a man El)hi' 4' in anger goes out.of himfelfe, out of his wits, offfrom his rea- fon ;;
'. 16 Chap. it. eArn 8xpofitien upon the _BoodZ-of J o B. Verf.4 fon ; and when a man is pacified, and the itorme downe, he doth rcdire ad re, returne againe to himfelfe. Such anger is "a {hoist yYiz t'r bie- madneffe, andmadneffe is but a long anger. Theywho are ful- tias' left of reafon, are fu theft from this anger, and molt difpleafed . with themfelves for it, if at any time it appeare upon them. Yet anger may be improved to excellent fervices, not only as it warmes the fpirit to refift that which is evil), but as it carries us on to good againft refinance ; In which fenle one of the Anci- Flutarchoa. ents tells us, that as reafon ought to be the Chariot-driver in man, and hold the reines: So the twoHorfes, that {houid draw on the Chariot of man in all his actions, are the ('oncupfci6le, and the irafrible appetites ; Thefe two asthey are qualified, mo- .dified, and kept under the reines of reafon, are of continual) ufe, otherwife they breake all , and our felves too ; as here it isPaid of Iob He teareth hirarelfe in his anger. Of this an- 'ger note ; Furious anger may hurt others , but it hurts our felves moil. None are more their owne enemies then angry perlons are; 'Doefit thou well to be angry, fàid God to ?onah, yea, faith he, I doe well to be angry, even unto death, Jon. 4.9. He means it not onely ofbeing angry till ,he dyed, but of dying for anger. That mutt needs be hurtful), yea mortali to man, which carries in it a re- fiftance againft the immortali God. Some anger is not one- ly a griefe for what is upon us, but a kinde of ftomacking at him who layes it upon us ; if we doe not confeffe it to be fo, the Spirit of God knowes it to be fo, and tells us plainly it is and therefore fuch anger cannot but hurt and teare our felves. For the avoydingofthis tearing, vexing anger, take thefe brief Counfels. Firft, In Provocations, have an eye upward ; This will balaft the fpirit, and make it.fteady; Heaven is above all fiormes and tempefts, andthe more we convene there, the leffe stormy are our hearts. Davidbad provocation enough to make him angry, and boyle up his palTon to the height (2 Sash. 16. 5. ) Ski- mei curled him, but he looked up, god/oathfaid to him curfe 'Da- vid,andthen how calm and meek washis fpirit ? As that is a good anger which is forGods fake, fo, looking up toCod will keep us form evill anger. Se-
Chap. 18. efA Expoftion upon the Book of J o u. Verf. 4. Secondly, Turtle anger upon yourfelves; not to teare your felves ( as lob is fuppofed here ) but to confider and reprove your felves : The more any man is acquainted with himfelfe, the leffe angry wall hebe with others. A true fight ofour felves, íhewes us fo much caufeto be difpleafed with our felves, that we (ball have little leifure and leffe caufe to be angry with our brethren. He that looks much into himfelfe, will fee fo much todoe, and to blame at home, that he will not find much to blame abroad, efpecially he will not doe it with paflionate an- ger. Anger alwayes rifeth from force over-valuing of our felves ; we thinke our felves ill dealt with, or dealt with below our worthwhen we are angry. Now he that knowes himfelfe ful- ly, can fcarfly thinke himfelfe undervalued by any; he hath lower thoughts ofhimfelfe, then others can have ofhim : There are not many receits for the cure ofanger, better or more appro- ved then this. Thirdly, Corral'your anger beforeyou imployyour anger ; doe with this Pafllon as Phyfitians doe with their drugs; forcedrugs which are healthfull for the body, excellent to purge, and dif- pel noxious humours ; muff yet before they are ufed be corred- ed and receive force allay; you may poyfon the body with them elfe, and deftroy it rather then repaire its decayes : So in Dr. Rey,, this cafe, your anger will teare, and undoe you, unleffe you cor- Trek of the red it, and take off the tharpneffe and virulency of it. And as P4ßì Chap. you doe with your Hones, efpecially with ftòmackfull Hones 31. ' we firft bridle and faddle them, and then ride them, elfe we cannot have them under command : Thus we muff deale with anger ; it is neceffary to be angry fometimes ; and he is a foole that cannot be angry at all ; oaely get this wifedome, tobridle and (addle anger before you ufe it ; left it carry you away; and hurry you without any command. Fourthly, Let notyour anger hanguponyourfpirits, or continue withyou : That's the Apoftles advice, Ephef 4. 27. Let not the Sun goe clowns uponyour wrath. It is ill being in the dark with fo bad a Companion ; Anger may paffe through the heart ofa wife man, buts Solomon. faith, It refis in the bofome o; f toles. It is law- full to doeforce things, which to continue doing is unlawfull; we cannot continue the adings of faith and love too long t But that Spirit which faith, Befledfaft infaith, let brotherly love conti-
Id Chap. i8, efla E'xpofition upen the 'Book. of. J o s. Verf.4 continue ; never Paid, be ftedfaft in anger, or let contendings a- mong brethrencontinue. Anger againft fin, and enmity againft the feed of the Serpent muff continue, but the continuanceof anger againft any other, whether things or perlons, is finfull. Fifthly, If you will avoyd this anger, avoyd the occafions of it. They that are fubjed to pafiion, fhould keepe out of the way ofpailion. That King did wifely, who when curious glaf- fes were prefented to him, broke them himfelfe; and gave this reafon, left another breaking them it fhould provoke him to anger. 'Tis alto very memorable, That when ("afar had gotten the Cabinetof cposnpey his implacable enemy intohis poffeffion, he would not look over his Papers, becaufe he would not dill cover that which might !tire his pallion chafing rather to burne them; then to be burnt by them. 'Tis wifedome not to fearch into that which being found may over-ballance our wifedome. Sixthly, Give a candide Interpretation, both of words and a&ions; The giaífe through which we Tooke, gives its colour to the object. Anger is tìfually blowneup by mif-conftru&ions. What we judge ill meant, is aiwayes ill taken ; Love thinks no ill, and therefore believes and hopes that all is well. Give that which troubles thee another name ; if there be a miftake in it,yet fay, it is thy friends infirmity, or that he did it out ofignorance; if what he fpake pincheth, fay it proceeded from familiarity, or freeneffe.of fpirit. Seventhly, Give not an eafie Bare. to reports; doe not al- wayes heare what others fay of thee, or what 'tis laid they doe. Many teare themfelves with anger, when they heare themfelves torne with flander; and whilethey have a curiofity to hear what others fay of them, they want patience tobear what they heare. 'Tisbetter we fhould be in the dark concerning our own wrongs, then that we fhould wrong our felves by that pailion which the light we get about them ftirres up inus. He teareth hirf lfe in his anger. But was thisjuftly charged on rob ? I conceive that his friend, (as in other paffages, fo here )' finned againft the Law of Love, while he charged fob with fo much anger. It is hard to diftinguifh trouble of fpirit, from . paftion and diftemper.of fpirit. Yet the teftimony of Godhim- felfe
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