Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 18 An E'xpofition arpon the I3ocK, of J OB. Verf 13. 85 I fay, as there are degrees in fin and finners among whom fome are as the f rft-borne fo there are degrees in pu ;ifhment ; and therein lyes the exaeines ofJuflice to apportion and mea- fare out to every one according to his fìnne, whether in pra- dice oropinion. To give a like judgements upon all offenders, would be very unlike to Juflice ; And there would be much ine- qualitie in fuch equalitie. The Lord tells Babylon, who was the firft-borne offinners, (Ifa. 47.9.) yudgements Jhall come upon thee in their perfeftion ; perfeft judgements are the portion of a perfe& fanner ; where there is a compleatneffe . of wickedneffe, there the compleatneffe ofwrath (hall be powred out, even the fink-borneof death. Now, as the j rft-borne is our flrength,, fo ( which is obferva- ble) 'tis added in the Text ; Thefirft-borneof death (hall devossre hisftrength. Hence obferve ; That all the power of man fayles before the mefengers of the wrathfull power of God. Strength fhall.goeforth to devoure ftrength ; Though finne be armed though an affociation , or an hoaft of finners be in Armes, and Handupon their guard, though the ftrengthof each one among them be theftrengthofftones,and hisfiefioof braffe, as lob complained his was not ( Chap. 6.) yet God can provide a judgement that fball devoure it all at a bit, and fwallow it as a morfell he can have a firft-borne judgement to difpatch the firft-borne, the ftrength offinners. The Prophet Ifaiah in a holy fcorne invites all the enemies of the Church to joyne forces and councels , toput their ftrength and their wit together : gather together on heapes, O jetpeople, and çirdyourfelves ( and againe he faith) girdyour felves. Of all ftrength united ftrength is the ftrongeft, united weakneffe is very ftrong how thong then is united ftrength ? Hence Polititians advife ( divide & impera ) divide your enemies if youwould conquer them ; but the Lord needs not take his enemies at. an ativary .ge, and therefore he faith; Gather rogerher,gird your /47,er and yee (hall be broken in pieces. (Ifa. 8. 9. ) Makeyour felves as flrong as you can, fee if I cannot devoure your °ítrength. Doe our wo '} againft in and the belt for your felces; e ail (bah ie , to nñ Creatures may be dealt :vita , and kept r :here is' no ortir