92 Chap. t 8. An Expefitïon upon the Book of JOB. Verf 14. Momenfubftan fxb, ffantiveof thegenitivecafe' plxrall, joined reith another fubfian_ tivum genieivt tiveof theftngular number, lothincreafe and aggravate the fence, e4f st & rare- andfiands in the placeandforce of thefuperlative degree. ri multatucivi juwtiam site i Againe, As becaufe of the excellency and preheminency of fueantivo fin- the firft-borne ; every thing which doth excel/ in any kinde, gularts nurtei . may to ca';l'd the bci ne fo by the like proportion, becaufe vices ge,it fa- of he eminency óá Kin that is reat. in any kinde, pulativi.Bo;d: g g Y : may be called King. In this fence (Yob 41. 3o.) the Whale fiscal- ledKing over all the Children ofpride, becaufe he is a creature of a vaít and mighty body, and is defcribed full of contempt , and prouder then the proudest. (i Sam: 25. 36.) The feaft that Na- ball made is laid to be like the feaft of a King, that is, a great, feaít. In that fence, great terrour may fuitably be called here, the King of terrour. Some labour much to place it upon a parti- cular; and fay,_ the King of terrours is death ; and fo according to legall,proceeding, which was toucht at the beginning, wee have the wicked man now brought untoexecution, Deftrullion /ball be ready,at fide, it ,/ball devoure thefirength ofhis skinne, the firfi-borne ofdeath, (a ítrange way or kinde ofdeath )/balldc- vourehis confidence, and_rooteit out ofhis tabernacle axd he/ball be brought unto the Kingofterrors, to death it fclfe ; there's an end of him. The Philofopher (in this fence) cal'd death the Kingf tetrourr, when he called it themofi terrible of terrible things ;. there wee may rett the interpretationof this Sctiptuae, he fhalt bring him to the King of terrours that is, to death , or to his last end. There is another reading. which I finde much infifted upon by the Latine Tranfator, who faith not as wee, It Jhall bringhim Faker foper e to the King ofterronrs, but terrour/ball treadupon him as a King, Hm quaff rex, or, deflrsstlion as aKing(hall treadand trample upon him; and fo it inrentxt.valg; is an aliufion to thole Kings, Emperours, and great ones of the world, who prevailing over their enemies were wont to tread eatc4re out có upon their necks ; wee finde 74§ua commanding the people of cu/core viers- Ifrael to tread upon thenecks of the Canaanitifh Kings, in token tis , "ho' of thevictoryobtained over them, ( ?ofb. r o. zz.) And as God tbon "t `' in his providence gavethem power to fet their feete in triumph upon the necks ofKings, fo it was a Cuitome among the anci- ents, when victorious Princes led captived Princes in triumph, to lay their prottrate on the grciind, and treadupon their bodies, or