Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

96 Chap. ì8. An E.apofition topas the Rook of JOB. Verf. mutt appare before the righteous God in judgement. They have learned, that death cuts downe unbeleevers as fewel for the fire, that being carried out of theWorld, they are call to hell. And that as prefect death is the wages of lime, fo the greateft part of that wages is payd in eternal! death. Todole this poynt, feeing death is the King ofterrours it fhould be our Rudy; as it is ofour wifdorne, to make this Icing of terrours, a kinde ofKing ofcomfort to see. Many beleevers have attained to this. And there are many confiderations held out in the Gofpel, which Cafe the paines ofdeath, and let the foule a- bove the tèrrdur of it. Natural! men can fay, All mug dye, why fhould any man feare that which is common to all men. The ra- turall man can fay alto, that many indure more paine while they live, then all the paines ofdeath. Thefe poore fhifts the natural( man can make toRifle the terrour ofdeath. But a beleever moves upon higher principles. As FirR That death cannot at all breake the bond of the Cove nant between God and us ; the Covenant is alive though wee dye. (Match: 22. 3 r . 3 z.) /gm the God of Abraham, the Godof Wfaac, and the God of ?acob. They were dead, when God fpake this. Now faith Chrift here ; god o nor the Godof the dead, but. of the living ; for all are alive to him, even the dead are alive to him ; astheir foules are alive, fo their bodyes are as living bo- dyes to him, and though rotting in their graves, he owns them as much as when flouri.^.;ing in Rately paliaces ; The relation ofGod to Abrahamwas as Rrong when he was dead as when he was alive; Iam the GodofAbraham, the Çodof Ifaac, and the god of?acob. Secondly , Though death breakes the union between foule and body yet death cannot breake the union between the foule and Chrift ; This an out-lives death ; For as when Chrift dy- ed, death couldnot breake that hypoftaticall union between the divine nature and the humane nature ; though death difunited the foule and the body of Chrift yet it did not difiinite God and man in Chrift. So though death triumph over the nate rail union offoule and body, it can never breake the myfticall union between Chrift and the foule ; the union between Chrift god-man and a beleever is inviolab'.e, therefore why fhould they who beleeve faredeath. Thirdly,