Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

98 Chap. z8, ran Expofrtion upon the Book,tf J o Í. Verí,l4. there rot and never rife more, this were terrible ; but to dye onely to live, and to dye from a miferable life that he may live a joyful! life , to dye as a graine of wheat dyes, to grow up in greater beauty than he had, yea in a glory that he never had, why fhould therebe any terrour in this ? Though in it felfe con- littered, as allo to wicked men, death be aKing of terrors, yet all thefe confiderations layd together, are enough and enough to perfwade the Saints to better thoughtsof it and that Chrift thePrinceoflife and King of Comforts, bath depofed this King of terrours; fo that as fin fhall not, fodeath Ilia!! not have do- minion over us : and though our flefhcannot reft in this hope, (in which Chrift refted) that God will not fifer its to fee corruption, yetwemay fully reft in this hope,that ow ftekbAmid 6efreedfrom corruption. Some heathen tyrants were wont to (cornChriflians , who heleeved a Refurredia°n, when they fled to avoyd death and per- fecution ; Whyareyoo ( laid they ) fo fparir, of a life, which (you fay) will returne again. And indeed why fhould we be (paring *four lives, when we know we hall receive them araine with advantage? why fhould we be afraid to let that goe which we cannot loofe? for aswe fhould not be over-carefull to retaine that which ú cannot keepe, nor fpend many thoughts upon that which is.gone with a thought; fo we fhould not be over-carefull to keepe that, which when we have parted without ofour own hands,.we know how to commend to a fate hand, even to him whowill as furely returne it fafe into our hands, as he at firít put it into our hands. Thus Bildad brings Yob to execution , and leaves him in the hand ofthe King ofterrours, death, yet (ashe conceives) milery is not come upon him to the utmoft. There is (as I may fay) a divine fate attending the wicked man after death, his trou- bles dyes not when himfelfe dyes; evil) ¡hail furvive him , and dwell in his family, when he is turned out of his dwelling; Though this evill man (hall knowhis place no more, yet rnilery ,(hail know his place, and abide there too, as it follower, it Jhall 4well in his Tabernacle, becaufe it isnone ofhis,..$té, Verf.