Chap. 18. As Expofstion upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. Verf. ts. It /hall dwell in his Tabernacle, &c. Ic Jlia113 what ¡hall ? Who is this inhabitant or this te- nant ? who lodges there ? who is it ? It Jha11 dwell. There is nei- ther perfon nor thing exprett, and the conjectures are vari- ous in making out an Anfwer to this Qzeftion , Who dwells there ? Firft, The Teat is read, not as if others fhould dwell in his Tabernacle, but as if fomeof his fhould dwell in the Taber- nacle of others. So the Chaldy Paraphraft, who finding the Hebrew word for, dwelling, to be of the Feminine Gender, tells us , that 'Lis the wife of that wicked man who was driven out of his dwelling, and at lift taken hold off by the King of ter- tours; and fo whereas we fay, It .¡hall dwell in his Tabernacle, be- caufe it is none ofhis ; He faith,His wife /hall dwell inaTabernacle ó xer 3tribe).- ha- which is none of his. And in compliance with this rendring, he culo non fro. expounds the words as an argument of that mifery which nCatmald. fhould fall upon the familie of this wicked man ; A mifery fo great, that his wife Should not have ahoufe ofher own to dwell in, but be forced to dwell in a Tabernacle which was not his s that is, to beeither as a fervant, or at belt but as a fojourner in another mans houle. It is an afllition for any man , when he dyes, to leave a wife, and not to leave her a roomeofhis own to live in. secondly , Thevulgar reading carries a good fence, but de- Habitent in ta- parts two much from the Original!. Thus; His companions Aall brrnculo' ejcss dwell in his Tabernacle. Someexpofitors who favour that tran- föcü eikm. flation, take no fmall paints to fit this to the Text, andto finde out who are meant by there companions. Some fay , his friends, 'who were formerly his companions, they Snail come to his Tabernacle. , lamenting their Joffe , and mourning for him. But that's an honour rather than a judge- ment to the dead. Others fay , There companions are the wormes , Worms Shall dwell with him in thegrave. But that cannot be a fpeciall matter of judgement neither, becaufe it is common to all mankinde ; when any man dyes, wormer are his companions or he may fay (as yob fayd, Chap. 17.14. ) To the worme, thon art mj mo- ther andmy filler.' ®: There-