Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 18. e./In expcfition upon the Bock of J O B. Verf..t g. The wrathof Çfod dwells in the home, and upan the eluteof wickodman, when he is call oast of it, dead, and gone. That's the (cope of the verfe ; and there various interpretati- ons meet in this one fence, that there is a wrath abiding in this wicked mans houle. `Whether his companions, filch as were none of his, ftrangers dwell in it ; or feare and deftruc`tion dwell in it or wild beans dwell in it, or vermine dwell in it, whofoever of thefe are the tenants, and poffeffors of his houle after him : this is the meaning that the wrath of God dwells there. As Chrd fpeaks of unbeleevers; He that beleeveth not is condemned alreadie, and thewrath ofgod abides upon hint, doh. 3. It dwels with Or inhabits him; it is an abiding wrath. So, here ; It (hall dwell. He doth not fay, fome evil) fha l fall upon his ha- bitation ; force evil) (hall happen to him : but he ureth a word that notes the perpetuitie ofit, It 'ball dwell. It final' not come, and lodge for anight, or.lojourne fora weeke, or a month ; but there it fha ;il dwell, it (hall be an inhabitant ; wrath Ihall continue upon it. As bleffings abide upon the-Tabernacles and dwellings of the peopleofGod; they doe not onelyhappen in fometimes; but they take up their abode in them. The bottles of the Saintsare the dwelling places,or the ahiding places of mercy. Mercy bath nowhere elfe to reff, but in luch houles and hearts. So deffruftion, and wrath, wild beafls, and whatfoever difcovers it felfe in away of judgement, is the portion ofevil' men while they live , and fha'1 take poffef ionof their houles when theydye When their bodies ane pail feeling, their elates, poffefhons and families í'hail feele the wrath ofGod. It .all dwellinhis Tabernacle. Becasfe it is none of his. There are diverfe tranflations of this elaufe. I !hall touch .one- Proprer now ly upon three. ei. Reg: Firf4 , Some render it, who is not; Thus the vulgar ; His con- E`: n°n ei. panionsJhalldwell in his Tabernacle who is not. And fo the words Not.ziilèenrr, are a defcription of man , vile and bale. For as either things ;n (o. Fa77; Which are low in the ef'eeme of men, . are Paid not to be °c ,,i non eí$. a Cor. i. 28. ) Godufeth thins which are not,'to4rzng 'ht'Vh < :hofe things which .are. Now, I fay, as bale Chit ".eel i4 tact 'to' be, 103