Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

o theChriftian Reader, muff be fubmitted to tryall and fiand Probati- oners. Andbecaufe they are to be tryed, there-- foreitfolloweth that they are to be ufec4 . for to what purpotefhould that be tryed which is not to be ufed ? To try a thingor perfon4otto indeed fuppofe that tbere may be.a fayling in either, but it dot!) not at ali inferre, that there is no ufe ofeither, but rather that bothareufefull. Andif upon-tryall much be foundwhich is unfoundand Jo to be refuted, yet that which is foundmuft be retained. Thus the Apoftle direcrls Their. 5. 21.) Prove all' thing,. hold !a that which is good. What is prefented in the followinz Expofi lions is not the'inipoting of a fence either up- on the Word'ofGod or upon the underftandings ofmen, but an humble tender ofwhat the Expo- titer under/lauds the fence of it, to the tryall ofall. Some, I know, begin to fity, that there is, or at Lift thatAortly .there will be little or no needat all offuch poor helpes as theta : Surely it,will bethe rejoycing ofall who honour jelus Chrifl, and love his'appearinvo fee. that clay, mat, fo much beeaufe they may then take their cafe andre from thefe labours (for thought-hefer- vants'