Chap . 18. An .&xpofition upon the Book, of J OB. Verf. r'. ><15 man, at thezoverfe, are confiderable twowages. Firft, What effeft it (hall have upon thofe that coneafter. Secondly, What upon thofe that went before, or . that -lived with him, the one (hail be al}onlfhed, and the other affrighted. The conclufion of all is ; Such are thedwellings ofthe wicked, and this is theplate ofhim that kpoweth n)t Gad. Apedojr fiv I (hall brief!r paffe the mifery ofthis wicked man in thofe aeça,,modarír threeverfes, becaufe it is onely the expofitionofwhat we had fuperiorum Ai before under allegories. Lego knot ad theJim de flaw Verf. 17. His remembrance 'hallperifhfrom theearth. inrprebi ur sb- This fome take from the former verfe ; His root(hall bedried y barn. jru` up beneath, andhoc branches(hall be cut off above, When rootand branch are gone, then the memory ofall is gone : what can remaine when both chele are removed ? The perifhing of hic remembrance, notes the utter extinti- Dicirur MM. Cm of his remembrance, as Chap. 3.3.706 wifheth that the day ria alicujre pe- might per:fh wherein he was borne ; his meaning is, that it lirepro ee gao1 might no more at all be remembred ; fohere, His remembrance elf in ste'nutn ab hominum e- [hall perifh. cordatione di- Andhe(ball have noname in thefireet. vet1i. Bald. W.2 name ] The Hebrew is, There (ball not bea name to bins. By name, in Scripture, is meant honour or eflimation among m-n ; F r wicked men have a name remaining; but it is an ill name, a name of difhonor, a blemifh. So that when he faith, He ¡ball have no name,the meaning is,he fhall have nogood name, or no honourable name remaining. Better have no name, then an ill name ; Cain bath a name, and fobath Tharoah in the old Teflament . ; pedas bath a name, and fo bath Dernas in thenew, bot they are all names of difhonor, and fo no names. It is ufu- all inScripture to put the name for renowne, and menofname by an Hebraifm are men ofrenowne. Numb. 1.145. wee render, Thefe were men renowned: TheHebrew is,Thefe were men ofname. There wee the renowned of the Congregation, Thefewere men ofname in the Congregation. 2Kumb.16.z. And they rote up before Mofes with certaine'of the childrenofIfrael, 250 Princes of the afemblyfamousin theCvngregation,menofrenowne, or,.Men of name. Non 'amen ei. Heb. Nomen in Seri- prole fan;am & celebrate.. tern denotat. Vid nominati. oukrlos. Hi voca,i Sy nogogc Sen. E!egatt: é; ob- fe,vant Scholia G aca vocem '4711444mi fig. niftcare nobile, qua rations