I zo Chap. IS An expofttion upon the Book, of JOB. Vert t 3 with the wicked is expreP in Scripture. Some conceive, that the Gofpel-language alludes to this paffageof Bildad. (Mar.8.. 12.)The children of the Kingdome fhall be call out into utter dart . neffe. The 7ewes were children of the Kingdome, and they thought themfelves heires of the Kingdome ; yea, they prefu- med, as if the Kingdome had been entayled upon their perfor.s, becaufe they were e/Ibrahams pofteritie ; yet faith ift, even you for all your confidences, ¡ball be call into utter darknes ; that is, to hell, where there is nothing but darknes, or you fhail be caft quite beyond the verge, or utmoft bound of theKingdome. The Kingdome hath light all over, but beyond the Kingdome there is no light ; being then caft out ofall hopes to enter the Kingdome, 'they mutt needs be raft intoutter darkneffe, or into that darknes, which is without. And as thofe childrenof the Kingdome, fo all unprofitable fervants are under the fame doome, Matth.2 . ;o. And againe, (Matth.22. I3.)Bindhim Yldetur Bald band andfoot, and callhim into utter.darknes, thereiball beweeping, idmoxime_fig- and wayling, andgnafbing of teeth. nifrcare, quod We may expound the wicked man in the Text driven from emnobus repot- light to this darknes. Not onely is he driven from the light of bú evenit. our- honour, to the darknes of difgrace, and from the light lie ner autem i > g f , probi tru ita to the darks ffe of a temporall death, but to the darkneffe of puniantar in eternall death, which is utter darkneffe. Inc vta,fed oases tandem emend chafed out ofthe world. erradentur in enebrar exte This claufe is of the fame minde with the former ; To chafe ñores. Coc. as to drive notes a violent, purfuit ; and he is chafed not onely Mir out of the fociety of his friends, or out of the Land where he fi:gabunt earn a lived, but out ofheLand ofthe living. 111 Hence note ; vagarus tft. wickedmendoe not goe, but are violentlj ,aft ont ofthe world. He is chafed as a wild bean ; He bath no mind togoe out of his fat paíture, from the place he knows, toa place he knows not. (Luk,1z.2o.)It is faid of the rich man This nightfball they fetch thyfoulefrom thee. He did not refigne , and give it up, but he was driven from it, or it was drawne from him ; either of which is to be chafed out ofthe world. This is the wicked mans fecundwoe. Behold,