Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. i 8 . An Expofrcion upon thevoo( of J OB. Veda 9 . a z t Behold, A third ; Veri; 19. He ¡hall have 'neitherfonne nor nephen' among his peo- ple, nor any remaining in hi iiirellinçs, This verse extends the curie upon him in reference to his po- fteritie. There is nothing difficult in there words here's totali eradication, not onely (hall he have no fon, but no forms,: fon. And when he faith, norfonne, nor nephew; it is not to be taken ftricly; but as including all his kindred, in what degree foe- 'er. It is as much as to fay, he shall have none of his linrage remain, all (ball be extina. Againe ;Hedoth not fay, he never had fon not nephew, but he fhall not have; there Ball none remain among his people. Añd not only (hall he have no kindred remaining among his peoples but he (hall not have any remaining in his dwellings That is, not any friend, not any acquaintance, not any that beares good will to him. Amans children are neare(i ; and then his nephews; then profell friends, acquaintance, and familiars. But when neither fonne, nor nephew, nor any friend remaines, this is a fweeping judgement, a very before of deffruc$ ion. It leaves none remaining. In hip dwellings.] Or in the place ofhis peregrination and fojourni ng in this world, as the word imports. In this B_ ilda a,' (hikes at rob, and wounds the heart of the good man; froi'n whomGod had taken all his children as if he had plainly Paid ; god loath Seale with thee as with a wicked man, thouhaft neitherfon nor nephew among thy people, nor any remaining in thy dwellings. But palling by this fuppofition in reference to fob; we may take up a point or two, as it concernes wicked men in generali. Firfi note The children and pofteritieof wicked men, areswept array for theirfathers wsckednefe. Though children fhall not be punifhed for their fathers tin, if they repent, and returne to God ; yet g.-eater evills fall upon children whodoe not repent, becaufe of the i:áiquitie of their fathers. Yea good children who walke with God, may have fome touch, :hough not in wrath to them, yet in wrath to their fathers, becaufe oftheir evills. I have met with this before, and therefore onely touch it. R Secondly,.