14 3o Chap_ t8,. e/Im E°zpofr'tion repon the Tookof J o B. Ver1.2t . knowes by doifirine, or irfiruêtiop And in this refpect, though hehave a higher know:edge than a beaft, yet he is but as a bruit beat} in hisknowledge oras the Prophet fpeakes of thofe in his ix fcriprura ra time, (7er. O. I.1..) He tr brutifh inhis knowledge To have noti. era ina'&Rorari ons according to knowledge, and actions according to igno. cenfernw, uus rance, is tobe brutifh in knowledge. Acd I conceive the A Dille cribis fr+ftea ntS'M'n L P "gni vnu' ar aymes at thefe; (z Cor. 15. 34.) Awake to righte(ufxffe, andfn rá!erunr porno- not ( the Greeke is, awake righteoufly, that is give } our minds de dic mist ilia and endeavours unto righteoufne fie )forforne have loot the knozr- non 4MAire yui- ledge of God I fpeake this toyourJhame. He writesnot of thofe bail non obedi- 'that had no knowled e of God but either of thofe who had 'rat. sec g , f)hit as deem an erroneous knowledge, or rather, of thofe that lived in wayes non wife qui in of unrighteoufneffe againfi their knowledge, as the immediate . peccoon pole- foregoingwords intimate ; Ariake sonto righteonfneffe for fotne ten ures, e have not the knowledge of Ced : That is, they have not fuch a ins penis, ó61i knowledge of.God, askeeps them to the rule of righteoufneffè ti vidiantur. Here againe is pradicall ignorance, or a not knowing of Gcd, tfx, when he isknowne. How great a wickedneffe this is in filch as have fcriptural revelationsofGod, we may eafily coiled, when we finde God charging it as a piece of wickedneffe upon the old Gentiles, who had onefy naturall revelations of God, that is, onely fo much knowledge of God as might be pickt out of, or learned by anattentive fiudy in the booke of the creature. (Rom. T. ver. 2 t .)Becaufe when they knewGod, they didnotglo- rifie him aáGod, neither were thankfull, but became vaine in their imaginations and their foolifñ heart was darkned ; and becaufe ( though they had a knowledge ofGod in them,-yet ) they did not like to retaine God in theirknowledge, or to acknowledge God, as we put in the margin ofour Bibles (ver. ti8.) this provokedGod to give them up tovile affections, and to a reprobate minde. we may take meafure ofthe fin by the punifhment. Spirituall judge- ments are worfe than corporali. To be given up to vile affecti. ens, is morepanal then to be given up to the vileft enemies ; yet thus were the Gentiles plagued for finning againft that light whichthe creature ¡beds forth concerning God then what will their plaguebe, who fin againft Scripture light, and are filch ess know not Godin theirown workes, when they know him in his ' 'word. Fourthly, There is anaffe ted not knoving of God, or (as we may