Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

TO the Chrit}ian Reader. Gloryof theLord in thefe Glaffes, till himfelf lead uc into his Gloty,andgiveus, the top(tone ofall perfeEiions, to feeFace to Face, TheFur- therance of in the way to this Glory is the Defgnofthis wor(,_which nowby the affiance ofGod is advancedhalf way ; as for the other halfe (feeing no man can boaft ofto morrow, or knoweth whataday may bring forth) I canonly fay, that it is in my heart, if the Lord continue life andftrength with the call hitherto afoarded, toadvancewith whatfpeed 1 can(t .hough I con- feffe the heft of my _timed is but ftownefr towards thefznifbing ofthat alfo. The travel/ ofthis f xth Stage I leave withyou, and both you and it to thebleng andunder thefhadowof the Almighty, in Whom Iam The 3d of the i 1th Moneth common ly called ?aruary. 65 z. Yours affèaintzately the-=.workeof the LA(.?, JOsE7_F1 CARYL.<