Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

138 Chap. 19. e 4n expo ition upon the Took, of Jos. Veri,t Thirdly, He exhorts his friends to defift, and repent, left they draw downe the ¡udgements of God Upon themfelves, in the two !aft verfes : But yeAmidfay, Vic. ver.28. and ver.29 Be ye afraid ofthefword,for wrathbringeth thepunilhment of the fword; thatye may know there is a judgement. From thefe parts of the Chapter layd together, we may colle& the general fence of fob's argument in anfwere to Bildad thus. Bildad endeavoured to prove, that 7,6 was a wicked man, he- caufe he was hardenedwith afi&ion 701, anfwereth, I indeed indure thofe afflictions, which for the matter are the portion of wicked men, yet I am not wicked, as my ownconfcience, full of peace, and hope in God, loth affure and witnes to me ; therefore the induring ofgreateft affli &ions, is no found proofe that a ran is wicked, nor doe there affli&ions befall Inch onely as are wicked. The propofition ( namely, that hehimfelfe was under the preffure of great afflidions) is cleare in the firft part of the Chapter, from the fixth to the twenty-third verfe , the affumption that he himfelfe was not a wicked man, he proves by his faith and hope inGod, laid downe to the life, ver.23,24, 25,26,27. The conclufion or inference is implyed. fob leads us to the defcription of his afflictions by a pulle- t Preface, wherein he taxeth, and reproveth his friends two wayes, firft, by Chewing their feveritie againft him. Se- condly, by fuppofing his own guilt againft God ; He reproveth them by (hewing their feveritie againft Hm three ways, Pirft, That they had troubled him long in the fecond verfe How long will ye vrx,&c.ver.2. Secondly, That they had troubled him who was troubled before ; (Al How long willye vexmyJoule, in the fame verfe ; as if he had raid y foule was vexed with a f iitions, why have fee lOCet rnznimé vexed me who came to comfort me. dgmo of iT Thirdly, That as they had done it long, fothey perfifted fä11 tam ipjam infrt7an- in doing it ; verf. third ; Theft ,ten times have ye reproached do etiamfr fee- ene,you are not afhamed, that, &c.q.d,yedid it, and ye doe it. lens eviifut ef- His fecond way of reproving, is by a fuppofition of his own fey. t crl. guilt ; Suppofe I have finned, fuppofeI have erred, ver.4.and 5. if I had done fo, yet furely ye ought not to carry your feives thus towards tne, there is force other way ofdealing with an afilided