,o Chap.'s) An ex-yofitiòn upon the Book, of J OB. Vert. 3 face likeaflint, and Iknow that I /hall not be afhamed ; They did what they could to make Chrifl afhamed, they reproached and reviled him yea they condemned him as a wicked man, there- foré it followes in the 8 verle ; He is neere that juflifuhme, who will contend with me ?let tu/land together, who is mine adver- facie? Let him come ;mare to me. As jibe had faid, I amnot afraid,. eyther cf his tongue, or of his hand, ofwhat he can fay,, nor ofwhat hecan doe. Fourthly, Obferve It is uftrallfor them to be much reproachdamongfl men,whe are moll precious with cod.. None receive more contempt on earth, the-1 they whole, names are written in heaven ; God bath referved abundant ho- nour for his people in the next life,,buthe often gives them up to reproach in this.,. The men of the world cannot but defp;fe thofe who are in efleeme with God ; for as 'Clain things, fo in perlons ; The things whichare highlyefleemed among men, ab- - rnination to god; and the things that are highly efleemed by God, are an abomination among men ; fo thofe perlons who are- highly prized with God, are an abomination with men ; Should the worth of Saints be taken by the rate- booke of the world,. bow vile wear their price ? to how low and Poore a market wouldmany precious foules come ? The Apaftle con- cludes concerning,the cidSaints and Worthies; among the 7ewes ( Heb. r r..38, ) that the world was not worthy ofthem, yet they were adjudged unworthy to live, or have a roome in the world. 'Tis fad when good men, who are precious, yea who rule with God,. are reproached and reviled by the world ; buttt is molt fad when one good man reproachesanother ; 'Tis a griefe to heart thofe who arevile, revile, and throw dirt in their faces, whole faces /aline through that beauty and comelirefe ofgrace which God bath put upon them ;butto fee one Saint throw dirt in the face ofanother; tobefpatter and bemire the credit ofano- ther by pen, or prefle, by words or geflures, this is a.griefin- deed, this is a lamentation, and ought to he for a lamentation among all the people of God, as it is ( andwill be While it is fo ) a rejoycing to the world that ayes in wickednef'fe. But though now