hap. I9. íin Expefttion upon the ¡lóáll, of J OB. Verf.-3. now fame of the -Sairi s,may"fay ( with Soh ) to their bretheren in the fame faith, There ten times kaveye reproached us, yet we bar a pronre that a time is cotni;:g when they fhilf not fo much as once in o:ie thoug`it reproach one another ; .Ephraim ¡>>sil not envie ?adah, and udah (hall nit vex Ephraim any more, fa.a 1.1 3. ) Lathy, as diefe words referre -to diegrace and patience cff <rb.. ()Verve ; 'f "is perfeu patience whenwe can indure reproaches, efpecialy manyfoul reproaches. it is a worke of patience to indure but -one reproach, but when we indure many reproaches; then patience bath a p,rfee° worke yas it fhewes the miferable perfection of a man in fin, to perfevere in finning, or as it argues diesperfR hardneffe ofa mans heart in fin, to fin after he bathbeen ten timesor many times reproved ; fo it fhews the perfe ion of a man in patience, to continue patient after he bath-been ten times reproached. This anfwers that rule of Offering given by Chrift, -( th.5 ;39. ,) fray untoyou thatye refit not evril: but whofoever flea/I frnite theeon thy right cheeke;turne to him the other alto ; That is when } e have received one wrong, be ye not meditating how.eo revenge that but be ye preparing how to receive a fécond. Though Grace loth not bidus invite injrariesyet it teaches us- tobid them welcome. Thefe sen timeshave,ye reproached me. eAnd arenot afhamed,t hatye rnäi¿eycurfeives frange to me. The word that fignifies to be ail amed,here, is ofa milder and Verb-i alig000 . gentler fignification, then that we had before, for reproachor to tenixs.lxa>n flaame. As if he had laid, ye have reproached me, as if ye inten- ded not onely sto make nie.alhamed, but to-confoundme with erioUrix;ehq fliame ; but youwhohave reproached meare not - afhamed-at.all, molter pitch?), t -you brave not the leafs tincture ofa blufh appearing in your fa- tiatis, veo neT; -es, though you have gone about to .fill my face with flaame, lenitererubefei- and myheart withforrow cis i recd. Verbumho.:rtf. -Further, The word fignifiessfuch Marne orblulhing as.caufeth forevideturëät 2 ftop in the worke or enterprife which we have in hand. Many fudoeë>quego:ía wouldgot on in doing gooi,and-not afew indoing evil', were they not deterrerttrab e. 'fhamed out oftheir purpofes, Howholy in outward,profefìion and tigxs fa- Senao, sttcd, per-