Chap, 9 An expofetion mpon the Bookof j OB. Verf 3 performances would force be were it not that they feare fnarre, this flops there in theircourfe, and turnes them out of the way. Hence that fevere threat(z f. r.ß.38. )Whofocrr therefore 6a erfbzmed. ofmeandof my 'words in this adulteroai and fnft:ll genera- tion,o f trim altoPeal/ theSon ofman be afbamed,&c.Chriit our Lord forefaw that an many would take up the profeflìonof theGof pet for their credit, lo many would withdraw from it for fears offlume. Now as many turn fromkeeping the holy commande. ment for fnarne, fo many are kept frombreaking the holy ce:m.. mandement only for fhame. How unholy, how vile would they be, were they not atharned:that itfhould be knowre that they are fo ? Thus íhame is thechecke of finne. But faith lob to his friends, Y'e are not afbamed, there is not fo much as any theme upon you; caufmg you to Will at what you are doing, or to defiíi from doing yet more. re arenot afhamed. That ye make year felvesirange tome. riz m The word which we render to make ffranQe, is found onely Multas pati:ur here in this fence all the Bibleover,.yetit undergoes(accord- iraerrneario- ing to the various aptrehenfions of the learned in the Origi Wiz. nal Language ) much vatietie both of tranflation and of inter- pretation, yet none of them hurt the fence of the Text, acd may all (land with the truth of that which is here afferted. Fi:fl, Some render it thus ; ree arenot aft arced that Jut fbew .n,ßò.3 }aria. yorr felines openly agairfi me ; q.d. are ye fobold andcá.ifidert mbi. ;. as to fpeake evill of me in my owne hearii g ? it were much for apertA averfa P meet, you to vent filch words behinds my back, but are ye not aflra- med to fpeake thus tomy face ? Secondly, Others give it thus You are not aíhamed to ' ° o§¡f r,.ef- (land wondering and gazing at me, as if I were force firange sack mibi Monher never feen before : As force men are wondred at for inn Arabic? Agnifrcat Apo -their noble aaings, fo are others for their extrearne fuffer- tern. Rd b. ings. jína. Thirdly, The word in the Arabicke ( with which the Ian- Signifrcareriam ua e of this booke of ob often mingles fi niftes to fcorne AtabicA fublan- g ) g ears. M,lea or deride ; in anfwertowhichourTextisread, Are notyeafha- frnt Arabica in' ma tojeere andjeft at me in my mif rie, He bath expreflycharged "Inc libro. his friends with mocking, more then once before, and 'cis not Mere, improbable, that he Both touch it here againe. Wee cannot but